Expand description

This crate allows to translate between regexpressions of different regexpression implementations by deciding when to add or remove the metachar ‘\’ from the regexpression string.


use regex_quote_fixer::RegexQuoteFixer;
let rqf = RegexQuoteFixer::for_grep();

// as used with grep
let needle = r#"https\?://\([[:alnum:].]*\.\)\?example\.com/"#;

let needle_fixed = rqf.fix( needle);

assert_eq!( needle_fixed, r#"https?://([[:alnum:].]*\.)?example\.com/"#);

use regex::Regex;

let regex = Regex::new( &needle_fixed).unwrap();

assert!( regex.is_match( r#"https://www.example.com/"#));
assert!( regex.is_match( r#"http://www.example.com/"#));
assert!( regex.is_match( r#"http://example.com/"#));

// and it is also possible to convert regex compatible regexpressions
// to grep regexpressions :

let needle2 = rqf.fix( &needle_fixed);

assert_eq!( needle, needle2);

Another Example:

use regex_quote_fixer::RegexQuoteFixer;
let rqf = RegexQuoteFixer::for_grep();

// as used with grep
let needle = r#"^a\+[]\?]b\+$"#;

let needle_fixed = rqf.fix( needle);

assert_eq!( needle_fixed, r#"^a+[]\\?]b+$"#);

use regex::Regex;

let regex = Regex::new( &needle_fixed).unwrap();

assert!( regex.is_match( r#"a]b"#));
assert!( regex.is_match( r#"aa]bb"#));
assert!( regex.is_match( r#"a?b"#));
assert!( regex.is_match( r#"a\b"#));

// and it is also possible to convert this regex compatible regexpression
// to a grep compatible regexpressions :

let needle2 = rqf.fix( &needle_fixed);

assert_eq!( needle, needle2);

It is also possible to operate with free defined quote chars:

use regex_quote_fixer::RegexQuoteFixer;
use regex_quote_fixer::CharacterClass;

let rqf = RegexQuoteFixer {
 lambda: Box::new(|x| x == 'b'),
 quote_char: 'c',
 cc: CharacterClass::Ignore,
let s1 = "abcccbd";
let s2 = rqf.fix( s1);
assert_eq!( s2, "acbccbd");
let s3 = rqf.fix( &s2);
assert_eq!( s1, s3);


  • holds a lambda which decides which char has to be quoted / unquoted and does the transformation of regex strings

