Expand description
A simple reference-counted interning library for strings, slices, and other data.
This crate provides two kinds of owned interners that store the interned
data in the reference-counted types Rc<T>
or Arc<T>
. When the
method is called on the interner, or when the interner is
dropped, unused interned objects are deallocated.
The two kinds of interners provided by this crate are RcInterner
, returning Rc<T>
and Arc<T>
objects respectively.
use std::rc::Rc;
use refcount_interner::RcInterner;
let mut interner = RcInterner::new();
let hello = interner.intern_str("hello");
let world = interner.intern_str("world");
assert!(Rc::ptr_eq(&hello, &interner.intern_str("hello")));
- An interner returning atomically reference-counted pointers to the interned data
- An interner returning reference-counted pointers to the interned data