Expand description



This is a rust client library for working with the RedisGraph module for Redis.
It works in conjunction with redis-rs by implementing a trait for the redis connection.


Synchronous usage

redis = "0.21" # or higher
redisgraphio = "0.1"
use redis::RedisResult;
use redisgraphio::*;

fn rider_example() -> RedisResult<()> {
    let client = redis::Client::open("redis://")?;
    let mut con = client.get_connection()?;
    con.graph_query_void("my_graph", query!(
        "CREATE (:Rider {name:'Valentino Rossi'})-[:rides]->(:Team {name:'Yamaha'})"
    // Assuming this could be malicious user input you need to escape
    let team_name = "Yamaha";
    let riders: Vec<(Node,)> = con.graph_query(
        "my_graph", // graph to query
            "MATCH (rider:Rider)-[:rides]->(:Team {name: $team}) RETURN rider",
                "team" => team_name
            true // Optinal parameter to enable read only access, default is false
    for (rider,) in riders {
        let name: String = rider.get_property_by_index(0)?;

Asynchronous usage

To enable the redisgraphio async commands either enable the tokio-comp or async-std-comp

redis = "0.21.0"
redis-graph = { version = "0.1", features = ['tokio-comp'] }
use redis::RedisResult;
use redisgraphio::*;

async fn rider_example() -> RedisResult<()> {
    let client = redis::Client::open("redis://")?;
    let mut con = client.get_async_connection().await?;
    con.graph_query_void("my_graph", query!(
        "CREATE (:Rider {name:'Valentino Rossi'})-[:rides]->(:Team {name:'Yamaha'})"
    // Assuming this could be malicious user input you need to escape
    let team_name = "Yamaha";
    let riders: Vec<(Node,)> = con.graph_query(
            "MATCH (rider:Rider)-[:rides]->(:Team {name: $team}) RETURN rider",
                "team" => team_name
            true // Optinal parameter to enable read only access, default is false
    for (rider,) in riders {
        let name: String = rider.get_property_by_index(0)?;


The crates API was inspired by the redis-graph crate which also implents traits on the redis connection.
The serialisation was inspired by redis-rs itself.


Macro for creating a GraphQuery


The type returned by the point method in cypher

Map typed as returned by RETURN {a: 1}

Type for graph paths as returned by MATCH p=(:A)-[:B]->(:C) RETURN p

Contains information for constructing the query. Primarily generated by the query macro


Node Type

Relationship Type


Execution statistics

An enum containing every possible type that can be returned by redisgraph

Used for inserting user data in the query and escaping it properly This type gets primarilly constructed by the query! macro but can also be constructed with Parameter::from


Trait for converting the response to an arbitray type which implents the trait This is similar to the FromRedisValue trait from redis

Implements redis graph related commands for an synchronous connection

Trait for unifying access to Node and Relationship properties


Helper for creating a Rediserror

Shorthand for FromGraphValue::from_graph_value(value)