Crate redis_driver

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A Redis client for Rust


Defines types related to the RESP protocol and their encoding/decoding


Options for the acl_cat command
Options for the acl_dryrun command
Options for the acl_genpass command
Options for the acl_log command
Interval options for the bitcount command
Builder for calling a script/function for the following commands:
Client with a unique connection to a Redis server.
Client info results for the client_info & client_list commands.
Options for the client-kill command.
Options for the client_list command.
Result for the client_list command.
Options for the client_tracking command.
Configuration for connecting to a Redis Cluster
Result for the cluster_info command
Result for the cluster_links command
Cluster node result for the cluster_shards command.
Result for the cluster_shards command.
Command doc result for the command_docs command
Command Histogram for the latency_histogram commands.
Command info result for the command command.
Options for the command_list command.
Result for the dump command.
Options for the failover command.
Options for the function_list command
Options for the geosearch command
Result of the geosearch command.
Options for the geosearchstore command
Options for the hscan command
Options for the hello command.
Key specifications of a command for the command command.
Result for the lcs command
Options for the lolwut command
Result for the memory_stats command.
Options for the memory_usage command
Module information result for the module_list command.
Options for the module_load command
Stream to get MONITOR command events when the stream is dropped or closed, a reset command is sent to the Redis server
A multiplexed client that can be cloned, allowing requests to be be sent concurrently on the same underlying connection.
Options for the ping command.
Stream to get messages from the channels or patterns subscribed to
Error issued by the Redis server
Represents a connected replicas to a master
options for the replicaof command.
Options for the restore command
Options for the sscan command
Options for the scan command
Configuration for connecting to a Redis via Sentinel
options for the shutdown command.
Result slowlog_get for the command.
options for the slowlog_get command.
Options for the sort command
Represents an on-going transaction on a specific client instance.
Stream Add options for the xadd command.
Options for the xautoclaim command
Options for the xclaim command
Result entry for the xinfo_consumers command.
Options for the xgroup_create command
Result entry for the xinfo_groups command.
Options for the xinfo_stream command
Customer info result for the xpending command
Message result for the xpending_with_options command
Options for the xpending_with_options command
Result for the xpending command
Options for the xreadgroup command
Options for the xread command
Stream info returned by the xinfo_stream command.
Stream Trim options for the xadd and xtrim commands
Options for the zadd command.
Options for the zrange and zrangestore commands
Options for the zscan command


Flag for a command argument
Sub-command for the bitfield command
Bit operation for the bitop command.
Client caching mode for the client_caching command.
Mode options for the client_pause command.
Mode options for the client_reply command.
Status options for the client_tracking command.
Client type options for the client_list command.
Mode options for the client_unblock command.
Cluster health status for the cluster_shards command.
This link is established by the local node to the peer, or accepted by the local node from the peer.
Subcommand for the cluster_setslot command.
Cluster state used in the cluster_state field of ClusterInfo
An argument must have one of the following types:
Command documenation flag
Get additional information about a command
All error kinds
Options for the expire command
Database flushing mode
Policy option for the function_restore command.
Condition for the geoadd command
The query’s shape is provided by one of these mandatory options:
The query’s center point is provided by one of these mandatory options:
Matching items are returned unsorted by default. To sort them, use one of the following two options:
Distance Unit
Options for the getex command
Section for the info command.
Latency history event for the latency_graph & latency_history commands.
Result for the migrate command
Redis server error kind
The state of the replication from the point of view of the master,
This tip can help clients determine the shards to send the command in clustering mode.
This tip can help clients determine the aggregate they need to compute from the replies of multiple shards in a cluster.
Internal Use
Result for the role command.
Different crash simulation scenario modes for the sentinel_simulate_failure command
Configuration for connecting to a Redis server
Condition option for the set_with_options command
Expiration option for the set_with_options command
Order option of the sort command
Stream Trim operator for the xadd and xtrim commands
Comparison option for the zadd command
Condition option for the zadd command
Option that specify how results of an union or intersection are aggregated
sort by option of the zrange command
Where option of the zmpop command


A group of Redis commands related to Bitmaps & Bitfields
A group of blocking commands
A group of Redis commands related to Cluster Management
A group of Redis commands related to connection management
A group of generic Redis commands
A group of Redis commands related to Geospatial indices
A group of Redis commands related to Hashes
A group of Redis commands related to HyperLogLog
A group of Redis commands related to Lists
A group of Redis commands related to Pub/Sub
A group of Redis commands related to Scripting and Functions
A group of Redis commands related to Sentinel
A group of Redis commands related to Server Management
A group of Redis commands related to Sets
A group of Redis commands related to Sorted Sets
A group of Redis commands related to Streams
A group of Redis commands related to Strings
A group of Redis commands related to Transactions

Type Definitions

Library general future type.
Library general result type.