Crate recmd

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REmote CoMmanD Executor

recmd is a simple utility that can be used to execute command on a remote host.


cargo build --release

For building using Docker or for static builds, see here


On the remote host where the command must be executed run recmd in server mode:

remcd srv -p 22000

with the command above recmd will listen on port 22000 (TCP) for incoming command requests.

For sending a command request, run recmd in send mode (change with the IP address of the host where the server is running):

recmd snd -a -p 22000 -c "bash -c 'ls /etc > /tmp/out'"
recmd snd -a -p 22000 -c "bash -c 'cat /tmp/out'"

Encryption Key

Communications between the client and the server are encrypted and authenticated with ChaCha20-Poly1305. recmd uses a static password (used to derive the 256 bits ChaCha20 key) defined in src/ with the variable PASSWORD_DEF.

const PASSWORD_DEF: &str = "1e$tob5UtRi6oFr8jlYO";

Be sure to change the value of this variable with your own password before building your own recmd executable.


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


  • Sender module.
  • Server module.