Crate recmap

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Functionality for reading and working with recombination maps.

RecMap objects can be created from reading in a HapMap-formatted recombination map. Note that since the HapMap recombination format does not include the chromosome lengths, this must be specified too. A convenience function read_seqlens is provided to read in TSV-formatted “genome” files of the chromosome names and lengths.

Here is a example which loads a recombination map from a HapMap-formatted recombination map and calculates the total map lengths.

use recmap::prelude::*;
let seqlens = read_seqlens("hg38_seqlens.tsv")
                  .expect("could not read seqlens");
let rec_map = RecMap::from_hapmap("decode_2019_map.txt", &seqlens)
                  .expect("cannot read hapmap");

for (name, rate_map) in rec_map.iter() {
    println!("{}\t{}", name, rate_map.total_map_length().unwrap());

This example can be run on the command line with:

cargo run --example  calc_map_lengths --  --seqlens hg38_seqlens.tsv decode_2019_map.txt

One of the most common tasks when working with recombination maps is to estimate the map position of arbitrary markers, which is usually done by linear interpolation. RecMap provides an easy way to do this for one position (RecMap.interpolate_map_position()) and for many positions, with RecMap.interpolate_map_positions():

use recmap::prelude::*;
let seqlens = read_seqlens("hg38_seqlens.tsv")
                  .expect("could not read seqlens");
let rec_map = RecMap::from_hapmap("decode_2019_map.txt", &seqlens)
                  .expect("cannot read hapmap");

let positions = vec![11975064, 15007450];
rec_map.interpolate_map_positions("chr1", &positions);

