Expand description

A crate aiming to implement ‘full’ reflection in Rust.


pub use error::Error;
pub use ty::Type;
pub use value::Value;
pub use crate::reflect::Reflected;


Error utilities for rebound

Implementations of the various items that Types may possess. These items tend to support the kind of operations that can be performed on that item during compile time, such as calling a function or retrieving the value of a field.

Reflection related traits

Runtime information about a type

Some helpful utilities for working with reflected Types in various situations

Dynamically typed, lifetime safe values


Generate code to pre-initialize types, including references and pointers to the type


Info about a constant on a Type. Allows getting the Value of this constant, assuming the reflection was configured to allow it.

Info about an associated function on a Type, either dynamic or static. Allows calling the function, assuming reflection was configured to allow it.

Info about a field on a Type, either named or unnamed. Allows getting a reference to or setting the content of this field on a Value, assuming the reflection was configured to allow it.

Info about a field on a union Type. Separate from a normal Field due to the unsafety of accessing/setting union fields. Allows getting a reference to or setting the content of this field on a Value, assuming the reflection was configured to allow it.


Info about different kinds of Fields

Info about a variant on an enum Type. Allows accessing the name and fields of the given variant.


Pre-initialize some common primitive types