Crate rearch

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  • Shorthand for Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, which makes returning impl Trait far easier from capsules, where Trait is often an Fn from side effects.
  • Capsules are blueprints for creating some immutable data and do not actually contain any data themselves. See the documentation for more.
  • Represents a static or dynamic capsule key. See Capsule::key.
  • A list of capsules with cloneable data. This is either a singular capsule, like foo_capsule, or a tuple, like (foo_capsule, bar_capsule).
  • A list of capsules that can be read via a ref. This is either a singular capsule, like foo_capsule, or a tuple, like (foo_capsule, bar_capsule).
  • Represents a side effect that can be utilized within the build function.