Crate reactivate
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Thread Safe Reactive Data Structure. Made with ❤️ for 🦀
is a thread-safe reactive data structure for managing state changes
in single-threaded or multi-threaded environments. It allows users to create reactive values that automatically
notifies observers when their underlying values change.
use reactivate::Reactive;
let r = Reactive::new(10);
let d = r.derive(|val| val + 5);
r.update(|val| val * 2);
r.update_inplace(|val| *val += 1);
r.update_unchecked(|val| val * 2);
r.update_inplace_unchecked(|val| *val += 1);
println!("{:?}", r); // Reactive(43)
println!("{:?}", d); // Reactive(48)
use reactivate::Reactive;
let r = Reactive::new(0);
// normal observer
r.add_observer(|val| println!("{}", val));
// non-threadsafe observer
let changes: Rc<RefCell<Vec<usize>>> = Default::default();
let changes = changes.clone();
move |val| changes.borrow_mut().push(*val)
// threadsafe observer
// must use Arc<Mutex<Vec<_>>> when threadsafety is enabled (features = ["threadsafe"])
// because Reactive as a whole must be thread safe
let tsafe_changes: Arc<Mutex<Vec<usize>>> = Default::default();
let changes = tsafe_changes.clone();
move |val| changes.lock().expect("unable to acq lock").push(*val)
use reactivate::{Merge, Reactive};
let a = Reactive::new(String::from("hazash"));
let b = Reactive::new(0);
let d = (&a, &b).merge().derive(|(s, n)| s.len() + n);
println!("{:?}", a); // Reactive("hazash")
println!("{:?}", b); // Reactive(0)
println!("{:?}", d); // Reactive(6)
b.update(|_| 5);
println!("{:?}", a); // Reactive("hazash")
println!("{:?}", b); // Reactive(5)
println!("{:?}", d); // Reactive(11)
a.update(|_| String::from("mouse"));
println!("{:?}", a); // Reactive("mouse")
println!("{:?}", b); // Reactive(5)
println!("{:?}", d); // Reactive(10)
§With Threads (features = [“threadsafe”])
use reactivate::Reactive;
use std::{thread, time::Duration};
let r: Reactive<String> = Reactive::default();
let d = r.derive(|s| s.len());
let handle = thread::spawn({
let r = r.clone();
move || {
for _ in 0..10 {
r.update_inplace(|s| s.push('a'));
for _ in 0..10 {
r.update_inplace(|s| s.push('b'));
println!("{:?}", r); // Reactive("babababababababababa")
println!("{:?}", d); // Reactive(20)
provides thread-safe implementations using Arc
and Mutex
for multi-threaded environments. Ensure to enable the threadsafe
feature to use the thread-safe version.
For performance-critical scenarios, Reactive
provides methods like update_unchecked
and update_inplace_unchecked
for efficient updates without checking for value changes, optimizing performance especially in cases where frequent updates occur.
For more details and usage examples, refer to the individual method documentations.
- Thread Safe Reactive Data Structure
- This trait is used for implementing variadic generics.