Expand description

Reachable, check if a Target is currently available or not.

A “Target” is everything that implements the Target trait, used to check if, a resource is currently available. This crate offers a ICMP and TCP based Target usable to check, if a computer is available over the network.

Additionally this crate contains asynchronous utilities to execute these checks regularly within a given time interval.


pub use error::CheckTargetError;
pub use error::ParseTargetError;
pub use error::ResolveTargetError;
pub use resolve_policy::ResolvePolicy;
pub use target::Fqhn;
pub use target::IcmpTarget;
pub use target::Port;
pub use target::Status;
pub use target::Target;
pub use target::TcpTarget;
pub use async_target::AsyncTarget;
pub use async_target::AsyncTargetExecutor;
pub use async_target::BoxedHandler;
pub use async_target::BoxedTarget;
pub use async_target::OldStatus;


Module contains utilities for asynchronous, iterative “Target” reachability checking.

Module containing all custom error types. All type shall implement Error.

Module containing everything related network name resolution and filtering of the resolved IP addresses.

Module containing “Target” related functionality.