Crate rbx_types

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  • A draining iterator for Attributes. This is created by Attributes::drain.
  • An owning iterator over the entries of an Attributes. This is created by Attributes::into_iter.
  • A borrowed iterator over the entries of an Attributes. This is created by Attributes::iter.
  • Represents a set of zero or more 3D axes.
  • Container for untyped binary data.
  • Represents a position and orientation in 3D space.
  • Represents any color, including HDR colors.
  • Represents non-HDR colors, i.e. those whose individual color channels do not exceed 1. This type is used for serializing properties like BasePart.Color, but is not exposed as a distinct type to Lua code.
  • A series of colors that can be tweened through.
  • A single color and point in time of a ColorSequence
  • A reference to a Roblox asset.
  • Custom physics properties that can be given to parts.
  • A SystemTime representing the UniqueId epoch.
  • Represents any Roblox enum value.
  • Represents an error that occurred when using a fallible method.
  • Represents a set of zero or more faces of a cube.
  • A font face consisting of a typeface and other style properties.
  • Represents the mapping of materials to colors used by Roblox’s Terrain.
  • Used to represent the orientation field of CFrame and not a standalone type in Roblox.
  • A range between two numbers.
  • A sequence of numbers on a timeline. Each point contains a timestamp, a value, and a range that allows for randomized values.
  • A single value, envelope, and point in time of a NumberSequence
  • Represents a ray in 3D space. Direction does not have to be a unit vector, and is used by APIs like Workspace:FindPartOnRay to set a max distance.
  • Represents a bounding rectangle in 2D space.
  • An universally unique, optional reference to a Roblox instance.
  • Represents a bounding box in 3D space.
  • A version of Region3 that uses signed 16-bit integers instead of floats. Region3int16 is generally used in Terrain APIs.
  • A version of BinaryString used for data that’s commonly repeated. rbx_types automatically deduplicates data as it’s loaded into SharedString values.
  • Contains a list of tags that can be applied to an instance.
  • Standard unit for measuring UI given as scale, a fraction of the container’s size and offset, display-indepdendent pixels.
  • Standard 2D unit for measuring UI given as scale, a fraction of the container’s size and offset, display-indepdendent pixels.
  • Represents a UUID with a custom epoch of midnight January 1st 2021.
  • The standard 2D vector type used in Roblox.
  • The standard 3D vector type used in Roblox.
  • A version of Vector2 whose coordinates are signed 16-bit integers.
  • A version of Vector3 whose coordinates are signed 16-bit integers. Vector3int16 is often used when working with Terrain.


  • BrickColor values were the old, palette-based system of defining colors in Roblox. As of the time of writing, they’re still used for some old systems like SpawnLocation and Team objects.
  • Represents the physical properties that parts can have.
  • All materials that are represented by MaterialColors.
  • Represents any Roblox type. Useful for operating generically on Roblox instances.
  • Represents any type that can be held in a Variant.