pub struct RawDocument { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

A slice of a BSON document (akin to std::str). This can be created from a RawDocumentBuf or any type that contains valid BSON data, including static binary literals, Vec, or arrays.

This is an unsized type, meaning that it must always be used behind a pointer like &. For an owned version of this type, see RawDocumentBuf.

Accessing elements within a RawDocument is similar to element access in crate::Document, but because the contents are parsed during iteration instead of at creation time, format errors can happen at any time during use.

Iterating over a RawDocument yields either an error or a key-value pair that borrows from the original document without making any additional allocations.

use bson::raw::RawDocument;

let doc = RawDocument::new(b"\x13\x00\x00\x00\x02hi\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00y'all\x00\x00")?;
let mut iter = doc.into_iter();
let (key, value) = iter.next().unwrap()?;
assert_eq!(key, "hi");
assert_eq!(value.as_str(), Some("y'all"));

Individual elements can be accessed using RawDocument::get or any of the type-specific getters, such as [RawDocument::get_object_id] or RawDocument::get_str. Note that accessing elements is an O(N) operation, as it requires iterating through the document from the beginning to find the requested key.

use bson::raw::RawDocument;

let doc = RawDocument::new(b"\x13\x00\x00\x00\x02hi\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00y'all\x00\x00")?;
assert_eq!(doc.get_str("hi")?, "y'all");


Constructs a new RawDocument, validating only the following invariants:

  • data is at least five bytes long (the minimum for a valid BSON document)
  • the initial four bytes of data accurately represent the length of the bytes as required by the BSON spec.
  • the last byte of data is a 0

Note that the internal structure of the bytes representing the BSON elements is not validated at all by this method. If the bytes do not conform to the BSON spec, then method calls on the RawDocument will return Errors where appropriate.

use bson::raw::RawDocument;

let doc = RawDocument::new(b"\x05\0\0\0\0")?;

Creates a new RawDocument with an owned copy of the BSON bytes.

use bson::raw::{RawDocument, RawDocumentBuf, Error};

let data = b"\x05\0\0\0\0";
let doc_ref = RawDocument::new(data)?;
let doc: RawDocumentBuf = doc_ref.to_raw_document_buf();

Gets a reference to the value corresponding to the given key by iterating until the key is found.

use bson::{doc, oid::ObjectId, raw::{RawDocumentBuf, RawBson}};

let doc = RawDocumentBuf::from_document(&doc! {
    "_id": ObjectId::new(),
    "f64": 2.5,

let element = doc.get("f64")?.expect("finding key f64");
assert_eq!(element.as_f64(), Some(2.5));

Gets a reference to the BSON double value corresponding to a given key or returns an error if the key corresponds to a value which isn’t a double.

use bson::raw::{ValueAccessErrorKind, RawDocumentBuf};
use bson::doc;

let doc = RawDocumentBuf::from_document(&doc! {
    "bool": true,
    "f64": 2.5,

assert_eq!(doc.get_f64("f64")?, 2.5);
assert!(matches!(doc.get_f64("bool").unwrap_err().kind, ValueAccessErrorKind::UnexpectedType { .. }));
assert!(matches!(doc.get_f64("unknown").unwrap_err().kind, ValueAccessErrorKind::NotPresent));

Gets a reference to the string value corresponding to a given key or returns an error if the key corresponds to a value which isn’t a string.

use bson::{doc, raw::{RawDocumentBuf, ValueAccessErrorKind}};

let doc = RawDocumentBuf::from_document(&doc! {
    "string": "hello",
    "bool": true,

assert_eq!(doc.get_str("string")?, "hello");
assert!(matches!(doc.get_str("bool").unwrap_err().kind, ValueAccessErrorKind::UnexpectedType { .. }));
assert!(matches!(doc.get_str("unknown").unwrap_err().kind, ValueAccessErrorKind::NotPresent));

Gets a reference to the document value corresponding to a given key or returns an error if the key corresponds to a value which isn’t a document.

use bson::{doc, raw::{ValueAccessErrorKind, RawDocumentBuf}};

let doc = RawDocumentBuf::from_document(&doc! {
    "doc": { "key": "value"},
    "bool": true,

assert_eq!(doc.get_document("doc")?.get_str("key")?, "value");
assert!(matches!(doc.get_document("bool").unwrap_err().kind, ValueAccessErrorKind::UnexpectedType { .. }));
assert!(matches!(doc.get_document("unknown").unwrap_err().kind, ValueAccessErrorKind::NotPresent));

Gets a reference to the array value corresponding to a given key or returns an error if the key corresponds to a value which isn’t an array.

use bson::{doc, raw::{RawDocumentBuf, ValueAccessErrorKind}};

let doc = RawDocumentBuf::from_document(&doc! {
    "array": [true, 3],
    "bool": true,

let mut arr_iter = doc.get_array("array")?.into_iter();
let _: bool = arr_iter.next().unwrap()?.as_bool().unwrap();
let _: i32 = arr_iter.next().unwrap()?.as_i32().unwrap();

assert!(matches!(doc.get_array("unknown").unwrap_err().kind, ValueAccessErrorKind::NotPresent));

Gets a reference to the BSON binary value corresponding to a given key or returns an error if the key corresponds to a value which isn’t a binary value.

use bson::{
    raw::{ValueAccessErrorKind, RawDocumentBuf, RawBinary},

let doc = RawDocumentBuf::from_document(&doc! {
    "binary": Binary { subtype: BinarySubtype::Generic, bytes: vec![1, 2, 3] },
    "bool": true,

assert_eq!(&doc.get_binary("binary")?.bytes, &[1, 2, 3]);
assert!(matches!(doc.get_binary("bool").unwrap_err().kind, ValueAccessErrorKind::UnexpectedType { .. }));
assert!(matches!(doc.get_binary("unknown").unwrap_err().kind, ValueAccessErrorKind::NotPresent));

Gets a reference to the boolean value corresponding to a given key or returns an error if the key corresponds to a value which isn’t a boolean.

use bson::{doc, oid::ObjectId, raw::{RawDocumentBuf, ValueAccessErrorKind}};

let doc = RawDocumentBuf::from_document(&doc! {
    "_id": ObjectId::new(),
    "bool": true,

assert!(matches!(doc.get_bool("_id").unwrap_err().kind, ValueAccessErrorKind::UnexpectedType { .. }));
assert!(matches!(doc.get_bool("unknown").unwrap_err().kind, ValueAccessErrorKind::NotPresent));

Gets a reference to the BSON DateTime value corresponding to a given key or returns an error if the key corresponds to a value which isn’t a DateTime.

use bson::{doc, raw::{ValueAccessErrorKind, RawDocumentBuf}, DateTime};

let dt = DateTime::now();
let doc = RawDocumentBuf::from_document(&doc! {
    "created_at": dt,
    "bool": true,

assert_eq!(doc.get_datetime("created_at")?, dt);
assert!(matches!(doc.get_datetime("bool").unwrap_err().kind, ValueAccessErrorKind::UnexpectedType { .. }));
assert!(matches!(doc.get_datetime("unknown").unwrap_err().kind, ValueAccessErrorKind::NotPresent));

Gets a reference to the BSON timestamp value corresponding to a given key or returns an error if the key corresponds to a value which isn’t a timestamp.

use bson::{doc, Timestamp, raw::{RawDocumentBuf, ValueAccessErrorKind}};

let doc = RawDocumentBuf::from_document(&doc! {
    "bool": true,
    "ts": Timestamp { time: 649876543, increment: 9 },

let timestamp = doc.get_timestamp("ts")?;

assert_eq!(timestamp.time, 649876543);
assert_eq!(timestamp.increment, 9);
assert!(matches!(doc.get_timestamp("bool").unwrap_err().kind, ValueAccessErrorKind::UnexpectedType { .. }));
assert!(matches!(doc.get_timestamp("unknown").unwrap_err().kind, ValueAccessErrorKind::NotPresent));

Gets a reference to the BSON int32 value corresponding to a given key or returns an error if the key corresponds to a value which isn’t a 32-bit integer.

use bson::{doc, raw::{RawDocumentBuf, ValueAccessErrorKind}};

let doc = RawDocumentBuf::from_document(&doc! {
    "bool": true,
    "i32": 1_000_000,

assert_eq!(doc.get_i32("i32")?, 1_000_000);
assert!(matches!(doc.get_i32("bool").unwrap_err().kind, ValueAccessErrorKind::UnexpectedType { ..}));
assert!(matches!(doc.get_i32("unknown").unwrap_err().kind, ValueAccessErrorKind::NotPresent));

Gets a reference to the BSON int64 value corresponding to a given key or returns an error if the key corresponds to a value which isn’t a 64-bit integer.

use bson::{doc, raw::{ValueAccessErrorKind, RawDocumentBuf}};

let doc = RawDocumentBuf::from_document(&doc! {
    "bool": true,
    "i64": 9223372036854775807_i64,

assert_eq!(doc.get_i64("i64")?, 9223372036854775807);
assert!(matches!(doc.get_i64("bool").unwrap_err().kind, ValueAccessErrorKind::UnexpectedType { .. }));
assert!(matches!(doc.get_i64("unknown").unwrap_err().kind, ValueAccessErrorKind::NotPresent));

Return a reference to the contained data as a &[u8]

use bson::{doc, raw::RawDocumentBuf};
let docbuf = RawDocumentBuf::from_document(&doc!{})?;
assert_eq!(docbuf.as_bytes(), b"\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00");

Trait Implementations

Converts this type into a shared reference of the (usually inferred) input type.

Converts this type into a shared reference of the (usually inferred) input type.

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

Converts to this type from the input type.

Which kind of iterator are we turning this into?

The type of the elements being iterated over.

Creates an iterator from a value. Read more

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==. Read more

This method tests for !=.

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more