Crate rb_tree




  • Allows the creation of a queue using C-like comparison values. That is to say, cmp should return a value less than, equal to, or greater than 0 when l should be placed before, is equal to, or be placed after r respectively.
  • Returns an RBMap containing the (key, value) pairs separated by commas.
  • Returns an RBQueue that prioritises on given closure and contains the comma-separated elements following it.
  • Returns an RBTree containing the items given separated by commas.


  • A map implemented using a red black tree to store key-value pairs.
  • A priority queue implemented using a red black tree. The ordering supplied must satisfy the assymetry and transitivity rules as outlined by the dorumentation of std::cmp::PartialOrd.
  • A red black tree that can be used to store elements sorted by their PartialOrd provided ordering.