Crate rattler

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Rattler is an experimental library and executable to work with Conda environments. Conda is a cross-platform open-source package management system and environment management system.

Conda is originally written in Python and has evolved a lot since it was first conceived. Rattler is an attempt at reimplementing a lot of the machinery supporting Conda but making it available to a wider range of languages. The goal is to be able to integrate the Conda ecosystem in a wide variaty of tools that do not rely on Python. Rust has excellent support for interfacing with many other languages (WASM, Javascript, Python, C, etc) and is therefore a good candidate for a reimplementation.


  • This module contains the logic to install a package into a prefix. The main entry point is the link_package function.
  • This module provides functionality to cache extracted Conda packages. See PackageCache.
  • Functionality to validate the contents of a Conda package.
