Expand description

Simple 2D library that support SVG path parsing/generation/manipulation and rasterization.

Main features:

  • SVG path parsing and generation
  • Anti-aliased rendering
  • Path offsetting Path::stroke
  • Linear and Radial gradients with GradLinear and GradRadial
  • Serde integration if serde feature is set (enabled by default)


Main types are:

  • Path - Represents the same concept as an SVG path, the easiest way to construct it is with Path::builder or it can be parsed from SVG path with str::parse. Path can be stroked with Path::stroke to generated new path that represents an outline.
  • Scene - Represents an image that has not been rendered yet, multiple scenes can be composed to construct more complex scene. This is probably the simplest way to render something useful. See examples/simple.rs for a simple example. It can also be (de)serialized see data/firefox.scene for an example.
  • Paint - Color/Gradient that can be used to fill a path.
  • Image - 2D matrix that can hold and image and used as a target for rendering. Image can also be written into a file with Image::write_bmp or to PNG with Image::write_png if png feature is enabled.


Utility functions and types used across the library


Iterator over rasterized pixels, by active-edge rasterizer

Active-Edge rasterizer

Bounding box with sides directed along the axes

Cubic bezier curve

Iterator over line segments approximating curve segment

Elliptical Arc

Linear Gradient

Radial Gradient

Specifies color at a particular parameter offset of the gradient

List of all GradStop in the gradient

Immutable iterator over pixels

Iterator over mutable references to all the pixels of the image

Mutable reference to an image or another mutable reference

Create an image that owns the data

Reference to an image or another reference

Image with top left corner at (x, y) coordinates

Alpha premultiplied RGBA color in the linear color space (no gamma correction)

Line segment curve

Collection of the SubPath treated as a single unit. Represents the same concept as an SVG path

Path builder similar to Canvas/Cairo interface.

Rasterized pixel

Value representing a 2D point or vector.

Quadratic bezier curve

sRGBA color packed as [u8; 4]

Represents an image that has not been rendered yet, multiple scenes can be composed to construct more complex scene.

Shape defines size and layout of the data inside an image

Signed difference based rasterizer

Size of the rectangular area with integer width and height

Style used to generate stroke

Non-empty collections of segments where end of each segments coincides with the start of the next one.

Path parser for SVG encoded path

2D affine transformation


Alignment options

The algorithm to use to determine the inside part of a shape, when filling it.

Gradient spread logic for the parameter smaller than 0 and greater than 1

LineCap specifies the shape to be used at the end of open sub-paths when they are stroked. See SVG specification for more details.

LineJoin defines the shape to be used at the corners of paths when they are stroked. See SVG specification for more details.

Segment is an enum of either Line, Quad or Cubic

Error while parsing path in the SVG format

Possible SVG path commands


Default flatness used during rasterization. Value of 0.05px gives good accuracy tradeoff.

Epsilon value

Square root of the epsilon value

Mathematical pi constant


Common interface to all color representations

Set of operations common to all bezier curves.

Trait common to all image types

Mutable image interface

Common interface for anything that can be used to fill an area

Basic rasterizer interface


Convert Linear RGB color component into a SRGB color component.

Format floats in a compact way suitable for SVG path

Type Definitions

Iterator containing curve extremities

Iterator containing curve roots

Scalar type