Expand description

A pure Rust 2D Graphics Library.

Raqote is a small, simple, fast software 2D graphics library.

Current functionality

  • path filling
  • stroking
  • dashing
  • image, solid, and gradient fills
  • rectangular and path clipping
  • blend modes
  • layers
  • repeat modes for images
  • global alpha

Notable users

  • resvg supports using raqote as a backend.
  • Servo uses raqote as its canvas backend.
  • orbtk uses raqote.


A simple example drawing to a window

Another example drawing to a png follows:

use raqote::*;

let mut dt = DrawTarget::new(400, 400);

let mut pb = PathBuilder::new();
pb.move_to(100., 10.);
pb.cubic_to(150., 40., 175., 0., 200., 10.);
pb.quad_to(120., 100., 80., 200.);
pb.quad_to(150., 180., 300., 300.);
let path = pb.finish();

let gradient = Source::new_radial_gradient(
    Gradient {
        stops: vec![
            GradientStop {
                position: 0.2,
                color: Color::new(0xff, 0, 0xff, 0),
            GradientStop {
                position: 0.8,
                color: Color::new(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff),
            GradientStop {
                position: 1.,
                color: Color::new(0xff, 0xff, 0, 0xff),
    Point::new(150., 150.),
dt.fill(&path, &gradient, &DrawOptions::new());

let mut pb = PathBuilder::new();
pb.move_to(100., 100.);
pb.line_to(300., 300.);
pb.line_to(200., 300.);
let path = pb.finish();

    &Source::Solid(SolidSource {
        r: 0x0,
        g: 0x0,
        b: 0x80,
        a: 0x80,
    &StrokeStyle {
        cap: LineCap::Round,
        join: LineJoin::Round,
        width: 10.,
        miter_limit: 2.,
        dash_array: vec![10., 18.],
        dash_offset: 16.,





A unpremultiplied color.

The main type used for drawing

Represents a complete path usable for filling or stroking.

A helper struct used for constructing a Path.

A premultiplied color. i.e. r,b,g <= a


LinearGradients have an implicit start point at 0,0 and an end point at 256,0. The transform parameter can be used to adjust them to the desired location. RadialGradients have an implict center at 0,0 and a radius of 128. The helper functions: new_linear_gradient, new_radial_gradient and new_two_circle_radial_gradient allow the gradients to be constructed with easier to understand inputs. The transform parameter maps user space to source space. This means that setting the same transform on the draw target as the source will have the effect of canceling out.


Type Definitions