Crate range_union_find

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Provides a data structure backed by a vector for unioning ranges of integers. We intelligently merge inserted ranges to minimize required storage.

Example usage:

let mut range_holder = RangeUnionFind::<u32>::new();
assert_eq!(range_holder.has_range(&(2..=12))?, OverlapType::Partial(7));
assert_eq!(range_holder.has_range(&(5..=9))?, OverlapType::Contained);

The main type is the RangeUnionFind struct, with the NumInRange trait implemented for primitive integer and float types that can be used to form ranges. While we make a best effort to support floating point ranges, unexpected issues may arise with floating point imprecision.


  • Error returned when the float is NaN.
  • Wrapper for non-NaN floats that implements Eq and Ord.
  • Struct representing a union of ranges. See the documentation for NonNanFloat’s impl of the Steppable trait for caveats when using this type with floating-point numbers.



  • Trait representing number types over which intervals can be constructed.
  • Trait representing number types which can be incrementally stepped.