[][src]Crate range_check

This is a little library that helps with range and bounds checking. It works with Rust’s standard Range types.

Range checking in the stdlib

Rust’s standard library allows you to test whether a range contains a specified value:

// Range checking with std::ops
assert_eq!((0..24).contains(&23), true);
assert_eq!((0..24).contains(&24), false);

For more information, see the official Rust documentation for std::ops::RangeBounds.

Range checking with this crate

The range_check crate provides the Check trait that has a function check_range, which returns a Result instead of a bool.

If the value exists within the range, it will return the value as an Ok variant:

use range_check::Check;


If the value does not exist within the range, it will be returned inside an OutOfRangeError error variant:

use range_check::Check;

           "value (24680) outside of range (1..9999)");

Failing early if a value is outside a range

When testing multiple values, it can sometimes be helpful to automatically return when one of them is outside a range.

In this example, we use the ? operator to return early:

use range_check::{Check, OutOfRangeError};

struct Clock {
    hour: i8,
    minute: i8,

impl Clock {
    fn new(hour: i8, minute: i8) -> Result<Clock, OutOfRangeError<i8>> {
        Ok(Clock {
            hour: hour.check_range(0..24)?,
            minute: minute.check_range(0..60)?,

assert!(Clock::new(23, 59).is_ok());
assert!(Clock::new(23, 60).is_err());
assert!(Clock::new(24, 00).is_err());

It becomes a problem when the values being tested are of different types, as there can only be one type as the error Result from the function.

As long as the types can be converted using the From trait, you can convert the error using the OutOfRangeError::generify function. In the first call in this example, we convert the error from containing an i8 to an i16:

use range_check::{Check, OutOfRangeError};

struct Clock {
    second: i8,
    millisecond: i16,

impl Clock {
    fn new(second: i8, millisecond: i16) -> Result<Clock, OutOfRangeError<i16>> {
        Ok(Clock {
            second: second.check_range(0..60).map_err(OutOfRangeError::generify)?,
            millisecond: millisecond.check_range(0..1000)?,

assert!(Clock::new(45, 576).is_ok());
assert!(Clock::new(49, 23456).is_err());
assert!(Clock::new(61, 0).is_err());



The error that gets thrown when a check_range fails.



Trait that provides early returns for failed range checks using the Result type.