Crate rain2d

Expand description

Simple 2d framework/engine

Provides some utilities to draw basic shapes, might turn into an actual game engine at some point


use std::time::Duration;

use rain2d::core::*;

const WIDTH: usize = 640;
const HEIGHT: usize = 360;

// can be used to store application state
struct ExampleApp;

impl RainApp for ExampleApp {
    fn on_update(&mut self, rain: &mut RainCore, dt: Duration) {
        // drawing
        rain.fill_triangle(120, 300, 520, 300, 320, 100, WHITE);

        // keyboard input
        // gets all keys that are currently down
        if let Some(keys) = rain.get_keys() {
            for key in keys {
                match key {
                    Key::Space => println!("Spacebar down"),
                    Key::A => println!("A down"),
                    _ => (),

        // only true on keypress, doesn't repeat
        if rain.key_pressed(Key::Key1) {
            println!("1 pressed");

        // mouse input
        if rain.mouse_button_down(MouseButton::Left) {
            if let Some((x, y)) = rain.get_mouse_pos() {
                println!("Mouse x: {}, Mouse y: {}", x, y);

let mut core = RainCore::init("example app",
    true); ExampleApp {});


  • rain2d core functionality