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In rust-analyzer, we maintain a strict separation between pure abstract semantic project model and a concrete model of a particular build system.

Pure model is represented by the base_db::CrateGraph from another crate.

In this crate, we are concerned with “real world” project models.

Specifically, here we have a representation for a Cargo project (CargoWorkspace) and for manually specified layout (ProjectJson).

Roughly, the things we do here are:

  • Project discovery (where’s the relevant Cargo.toml for the current dir).
  • Custom build steps (build.rs code generation and compilation of procedural macros).
  • Lowering of concrete model to a base_db::CrateGraph


CargoWorkspace represents the logical structure of, well, a Cargo workspace. It pretty closely mirrors cargo metadata output.
More or less AbsPathBuf with non-None parent.
Information associated with a cargo crate
PackageRoot describes a package root folder. Which may be an external dependency, or a member of the current workspace.
Roots and crates that compose this Rust project.
Information associated with a package’s target


A set of cfg-overrides per crate.
Describes how to set the rustc source directory.
Crates to disable #[cfg(test)] on.

Type Definitions