Crate r2api

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pub use self::r_th_lock_type_t as RThreadLockType;
pub use self::r_log_level as RLogLevel;
pub use self::r_anal_data_type_t as RAnalDataType;
pub use self::r_syntax_highlight_type_t as RSyntaxHighlightType;
pub use self::r_code_annotation_type_t as RCodeMetaItemType;
pub use self::r_cmd_status_t as RCmdStatus;
pub use self::r_vc_type_t as RvcType;


@brief Generic drawable graph node.
XX curplugin == o->plugin
Define how the command looks like in the help.
\brief Annotations for the decompiled code are represented using this structure.
keyvalue pair


< Specified range in annotation represents a constant variable with an address.
< Specified range in annotation represents a function name.
< Specified range in annotation represents a function parameter.
< Specified range in annotation represents a global variable.
< Specified range in annotation represents a local variable.
< Gives the offset of the specified range in annotation.
< Represents the kind of data the specified range represents for highlighting purposes.


@brief Convert graph to Graphviz dot format.
@brief Convert graph to JSON.

Type Definitions

XX curplugin == o->plugin
Define how the command looks like in the help.
\brief Annotations for the decompiled code are represented using this structure.
@brief Generic drawable graph node.
keyvalue pair
Represents the type of annnotation.
