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Fast and flexible conversion from XML to JSON using quick-xml and serde. Inspired by node2object.

This crate converts XML elements, attributes and text nodes directly into corresponding JSON structures. Some common usage scenarios would be converting XML into JSON for loading into No-SQL databases or sending it to the front end application.

Because of the richness and flexibility of XML some conversion behavior is configurable:

  • attribute name prefixes
  • naming of text nodes
  • number format conversion

§Usage example

extern crate quickxml_to_serde;
use quickxml_to_serde::{xml_string_to_json, Config, NullValue};

fn main() {
   let xml = r#"<a attr1="1"><b><c attr2="001">some text</c></b></a>"#;
   let conf = Config::new_with_defaults();
   let json = xml_string_to_json(xml.to_owned(), &conf);
   println!("{}", json.expect("Malformed XML").to_string());

   let conf = Config::new_with_custom_values(true, "", "txt", NullValue::Null);
   let json = xml_string_to_json(xml.to_owned(), &conf);
   println!("{}", json.expect("Malformed XML").to_string());
  • Output with the default config: {"a":{"@attr1":1,"b":{"c":{"#text":"some text","@attr2":1}}}}
  • Output with a custom config: {"a":{"attr1":1,"b":{"c":{"attr2":"001","txt":"some text"}}}}

§Additional features

Use quickxml_to_serde = { version = "0.4", features = ["json_types"] } to enable support for enforcing JSON types for some XML nodes using xPath-like notations. Example for enforcing attribute attr2 from the snippet above as JSON String regardless of its contents:

use quickxml_to_serde::{Config, JsonArray, JsonType};

#[cfg(feature = "json_types")]
let conf = Config::new_with_defaults()
           .add_json_type_override("/a/b/c/@attr2", JsonArray::Infer(JsonType::AlwaysString));

§Detailed documentation

See README in the source repo for more examples, limitations and detailed behavior description.

§Testing your XML files

If you want to see how your XML files are converted into JSON, place them into ./test_xml_files directory and run cargo test. They will be converted into JSON and saved in the saved directory.


  • Tells the converter how to perform certain conversions. See docs for individual fields for more info.


  • Defines how the values of this Node should be converted into a JSON array with the underlying types.
  • Defines which data type to apply in JSON format for consistency of output. E.g., the range of XML values for the same node type may be 1234, 001234, AB1234. It is impossible to guess with 100% consistency which data type to apply without seeing the entire range of values. Use this enum to tell the converter which data type should be applied.
  • Defines how empty elements like <x /> should be handled. Ignore -> exclude from JSON, Null -> "x":null, EmptyObject -> "x":{}. EmptyObject is the default option and is how it was handled prior to v.0.4 Using Ignore on an XML document with an empty root element falls back to Null option. E.g. both <a><x/></a> and <a/> are converted into {"a":null}.
  • Used as a parameter for Config.add_json_type_override. Defines how the XML path should be matched in order to apply the JSON type overriding rules. This enumerator exists to allow the same function to be used for multiple different types of path matching rules.


  • Converts the given XML string into serde::Value using settings from Config struct.
  • Converts the given XML string into serde::Value using settings from Config struct.