Crate quick_js

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quick-js is a a Rust wrapper for QuickJS, a new Javascript engine by Fabrice Bellard.

It enables easy and straight-forward execution of modern Javascript from Rust.


  • Windows is not supported yet


use quick_js::{Context, JsValue};

let context = Context::new().unwrap();

// Eval.

let value = context.eval("1 + 2").unwrap();
assert_eq!(value, JsValue::Int(3));

let value = context.eval_as::<String>(" var x = 100 + 250; x.toString() ").unwrap();
assert_eq!(&value, "350");

// Callbacks.

context.add_callback("myCallback", |a: i32, b: i32| a + b).unwrap();

    // x will equal 30
    var x = myCallback(10, 20);



  • A wrapper around Vec, used for vararg callbacks.
  • A value holding JavaScript BigInt type
  • Context is a wrapper around a QuickJS Javascript context. It is the primary way to interact with the runtime.
  • A builder for Context.



  • The Callback trait is implemented for functions/closures that can be used as callbacks in the JS runtime.