Crate hugr

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Extensible, graph-based program representation with first-class support for linear types.

The name HUGR stands for “Hierarchical Unified Graph Representation”. It is designed primarily as an intermediate representation and interchange format for quantum and hybrid classical–quantum programs.

Both data-flow and control-flow graphs can be represented in the HUGR. Nodes in the graph may represent basic operations, or may themselves have “child” graphs, which inherit their inputs and outputs. Special “non-local” edges allow data to pass directly from a node to another node that is not a direct descendent (subject to causality constraints).

The specification can be found here.

This crate provides a Rust implementation of HUGR and the standard extensions defined in the specification.

It includes methods for:

  • building HUGRs from basic operations;
  • defining new extensions;
  • serializing and deserializing HUGRs;
  • performing local rewrites.


To build a HUGR for a simple quantum circuit and then serialize it to a buffer, we can define a simple quantum extension and then use the [builder::DFGBuilder] as follows:

use hugr::builder::{BuildError, DFGBuilder, Dataflow, DataflowHugr};
use hugr::extension::prelude::{BOOL_T, QB_T};
use hugr::hugr::Hugr;
use hugr::type_row;
use hugr::types::FunctionType;

// The type of qubits, `QB_T` is in the prelude but, by default, no gateset
// is defined. This module provides Hadamard and CX gates.
mod mini_quantum_extension {
    use smol_str::SmolStr;

    use hugr::{
            prelude::{BOOL_T, QB_T},
            ExtensionId, ExtensionRegistry, PRELUDE,
        types::{FunctionType, PolyFuncType},

    use lazy_static::lazy_static;

    fn one_qb_func() -> PolyFuncType {

    fn two_qb_func() -> PolyFuncType {
        FunctionType::new_endo(type_row![QB_T, QB_T]).into()
    /// The extension identifier.
    pub const EXTENSION_ID: ExtensionId = ExtensionId::new_unchecked("mini.quantum");
    fn extension() -> Extension {
        let mut extension = Extension::new(EXTENSION_ID);

            .add_op(SmolStr::new_inline("H"), "Hadamard".into(), one_qb_func())

            .add_op(SmolStr::new_inline("CX"), "CX".into(), two_qb_func())

                "Measure a qubit, returning the qubit and the measurement result.".into(),
                FunctionType::new(type_row![QB_T], type_row![QB_T, BOOL_T]),


    lazy_static! {
        /// Quantum extension definition.
        pub static ref EXTENSION: Extension = extension();
        static ref REG: ExtensionRegistry =
            ExtensionRegistry::try_new([EXTENSION.to_owned(), PRELUDE.to_owned()]).unwrap();

    fn get_gate(gate_name: &str) -> LeafOp {
            .instantiate_extension_op(gate_name, [], &REG)
    pub fn h_gate() -> LeafOp {

    pub fn cx_gate() -> LeafOp {

    pub fn measure() -> LeafOp {

use mini_quantum_extension::{cx_gate, h_gate, measure};

//      ┌───┐
// q_0: ┤ H ├──■─────
//      ├───┤┌─┴─┐┌─┐
// q_1: ┤ H ├┤ X ├┤M├
//      └───┘└───┘└╥┘
// c:              ╚═
fn make_dfg_hugr() -> Result<Hugr, BuildError> {
    let mut dfg_builder = DFGBuilder::new(FunctionType::new(
        type_row![QB_T, QB_T],
        type_row![QB_T, QB_T, BOOL_T],
    let [wire0, wire1] = dfg_builder.input_wires_arr();
    let h0 = dfg_builder.add_dataflow_op(h_gate(), vec![wire0])?;
    let h1 = dfg_builder.add_dataflow_op(h_gate(), vec![wire1])?;
    let cx = dfg_builder.add_dataflow_op(cx_gate(), h0.outputs().chain(h1.outputs()))?;
    let measure = dfg_builder.add_dataflow_op(measure(), cx.outputs().last())?;

let h: Hugr = make_dfg_hugr().unwrap();
let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&h).unwrap();
println!("{}", serialized);



  • Algorithms using the Hugr.
  • Tools for building valid HUGRs.
  • Definitions for the core types used in the Hugr.
  • Extensions
  • The Hugr data structure, and its basic component handles.
  • Helper macros.
  • The operation types for the HUGR.
  • Experiments for Extension definitions.
  • General wire types used in the compiler
  • Representation of values (shared between Const and in future TypeArg)


  • Declare ‘const’ variables holding new ExtensionIds, validating that they are well-formed as separate tests - hence, usable at the top level of a test module only. Example:
  • Creates a TypeRow backed by statically defined data, avoiding allocations.