Crate qsv_dateparser

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A rust library for parsing date strings in commonly used formats. Parsed date will be returned as chrono’s DateTime<Utc>.

§Quick Start

Use str’s parse method:

use chrono::prelude::*;
use qsv_dateparser::DateTimeUtc;
use std::error::Error;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
        "2021-05-14 18:51 PDT".parse::<DateTimeUtc>()?.0,
        Utc.ymd(2021, 5, 15).and_hms(1, 51, 0),

§Accepted date formats

use qsv_dateparser::DateTimeUtc;

let accepted = vec![
    // unix timestamp
    // rfc3339
    // rfc2822
    "Wed, 02 Jun 2021 06:31:39 GMT",
    // yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
    "2014-04-26 05:24:37 PM",
    "2021-04-30 21:14",
    "2021-04-30 21:14:10",
    "2021-04-30 21:14:10.052282",
    "2014-04-26 17:24:37.123",
    "2014-04-26 17:24:37.3186369",
    "2012-08-03 18:31:59.257000000",
    // yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss z
    "2017-11-25 13:31:15 PST",
    "2017-11-25 13:31 PST",
    "2014-12-16 06:20:00 UTC",
    "2014-12-16 06:20:00 GMT",
    "2014-04-26 13:13:43 +0800",
    "2014-04-26 13:13:44 +09:00",
    "2012-08-03 18:31:59.257000000 +0000",
    "2015-09-30 18:48:56.35272715 UTC",
    // yyyy-mm-dd
    // yyyy-mm-dd z
    "2021-02-21 PST",
    "2021-02-21 UTC",
    // Mon dd, yyyy, hh:mm:ss
    "May 8, 2009 5:57:51 PM",
    "September 17, 2012 10:09am",
    "September 17, 2012, 10:10:09",
    // Mon dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss z
    "May 02, 2021 15:51:31 UTC",
    "May 02, 2021 15:51 UTC",
    "May 26, 2021, 12:49 AM PDT",
    "September 17, 2012 at 10:09am PST",
    // yyyy-mon-dd
    // Mon dd, yyyy
    "May 25, 2021",
    "oct 7, 1970",
    "oct 7, 70",
    "oct. 7, 1970",
    "oct. 7, 70",
    "October 7, 1970",
    // dd Mon yyyy hh:mm:ss
    "12 Feb 2006, 19:17",
    "12 Feb 2006 19:17",
    "14 May 2019 19:11:40.164",
    // dd Mon yyyy
    "7 oct 70",
    "7 oct 1970",
    "03 February 2013",
    "1 July 2013",
    // mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
    "4/8/2014 22:05",
    "04/08/2014 22:05",
    "4/8/14 22:05",
    "04/2/2014 03:00:51",
    "8/8/1965 12:00:00 AM",
    "8/8/1965 01:00:01 PM",
    "8/8/1965 01:00 PM",
    "8/8/1965 1:00 PM",
    "8/8/1965 12:00 AM",
    "4/02/2014 03:00:51",
    "03/19/2012 10:11:59",
    "03/19/2012 10:11:59.3186369",
    // mm/dd/yyyy
    // yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
    "2014/4/8 22:05",
    "2014/04/08 22:05",
    "2014/04/2 03:00:51",
    "2014/4/02 03:00:51",
    "2012/03/19 10:11:59",
    "2012/03/19 10:11:59.3186369",
    // yyyy/mm/dd

for date_str in accepted {
    let result = date_str.parse::<DateTimeUtc>();

§DMY Format

It also accepts dates in DMY format with parse_with_preference, and the prefer_dmy parameter set to true.

use qsv_dateparser::parse_with_preference;

let accepted = vec![
    // dd/mm/yyyy
    // dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss
    "4/8/2014 22:05",
    "04/08/2014 22:05",
    "4/8/14 22:05",
    "04/2/2014 03:00:51",
    "8/8/1965 12:00:00 AM",
    "8/8/1965 01:00:01 PM",
    "8/8/1965 01:00 PM",
    "31/12/22 15:00"

for date_str in accepted {
    let result = parse_with_preference(date_str, true);



  • DateTimeUtc is an alias for chrono’s DateTime<UTC>. It implements std::str::FromStr’s from_str method, and it makes str’s parse method to understand the accepted date formats from this crate.


  • This function tries to recognize the input datetime string with a list of accepted formats. When timezone is not provided, this function assumes it’s a chrono::Local datetime. For custom timezone, use parse_with_timezone() instead.If all options are exhausted, parse() will return an error to let the caller know that no formats were matched.
  • Similar to parse() and parse_with_timezone(), this function takes a datetime string, a custom chrono::TimeZone and a default naive time. In addition to assuming timezone when it’s not given in datetime string, this function also use provided default naive time in parsed chrono::DateTime.
  • Similar to parse(), this function takes a datetime string and a boolean dmy_preference. When dmy_preference is true, it will parse strings using the DMY format. Otherwise, it parses them using an MDY format.
  • Similar to parse(), this function takes a datetime string and a boolean dmy_preference and a timezone. When timezone is not given in the input string, this function will assume and parse the datetime by the custom timezone provided in this function’s arguments. When dmy_preference is true, it will parse strings using the DMY format. Otherwise, it parses them using an MDY format.
  • Similar to parse(), this function takes a datetime string and a custom chrono::TimeZone, and tries to parse the datetime string. When timezone is not given in the string, this function will assume and parse the datetime by the custom timezone provided in this function’s arguments.