Attribute Macro purpurea::mutators[][src]


Generates mutator methods with names corresponding to those of the the struct’s fields, with a prefix of set_.

Mutators take &mut self and a new value with the type of the corresponding field as arguments, and return &mut Self so they can be chained.

You can use the mutators attribute with or without providing field names.


If you don’t provide a list of field names, mutators to all fields are going to be generated by the attribute macro.

mod examples {
    use purpurea::*;

    #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    pub struct Address {
        city: String,
        street: String,
        number: u16,
        verified: bool

    impl Address {
        pub fn new(city: &str, street: &str, number: u16) -> Self {
            Self {
                city: city.to_owned(),
                street: street.to_owned(),
                verified: false

use examples::*;

let new_york = "New York";
let street = "Elm street";
let sixty_six = 66;

let mut new_address = Address::new("Los Angeles", street, 13);

assert_eq!(Address::new(new_york, street, sixty_six), new_address);

You can control which fields should have mutators by providing the list of field names (comma-separated if multiple).

mod examples {
    use purpurea::*;
    #[mutators(email, is_admin)]
    #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    pub struct User {
        email: String,
        account_number: usize,
        is_admin: bool

    impl User {
        pub fn new(email: &str, account_number: usize, is_admin: bool) -> Self {
            Self {
                email: email.to_owned(),
use examples::*;

let acct = 45275;
let mut john_doe = User::new("", acct, false);
let new_email = "";

assert_eq!(User::new(new_email, acct, true), john_doe);


Panics if it’s applied on tuple structs, enums (and their struct variants), or structs with generics (including lifetime parameters).