Crate pseudonym

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pseudonym 🕵️

MSRV 1.56.0

Declare aliases for Rust constructs with ease!

pseudonym = "0.2.2"


In the following examples the items to which the macro is attached to get generated as aliases using the passed identifier.


use pseudonym::alias;

fn very_long_function_name() {
    // ...

fn main () {
    short_name(); // use the alias!


use pseudonym::alias;

struct S (i32);


use pseudonym::alias;

trait T {}


use pseudonym::alias;

struct S;

impl S {
    fn new() -> Self { Self }


use pseudonym::alias;

const foo: usize = 0;

Deprecating Aliases

Sometimes, you’ll need to create aliases to old functions which are deprecated. pseudonym allows you to deprecate aliases using the same syntax as deprecated.

use pseudonym::alias;

        since = "0.1.0",
        note = "This function has been deprecated in favor of `new_api_function`"
fn new_api_function() {
    // ...

fn main () {
    old_api_function(); // use the alias!
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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this project by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

Attribute Macros

  • Declare an aliased for the following item.