Crate provwasm_std

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Marker permissions granted to another account.
A typed key-value pair.
A collection of attributes associated with an account address.
A marker account
A name bound to an address.
A collection of bound names.
An address with an associated role.
The process that generated a record.
Represents a request to encode custom provenance messages.
A type for simplifying provenance custom queries.
Represents a request to query a custom provenance module.
A record of fact for a session.
The inputs used to produce a record.
The output of a process recorded on chain.
A group of records.
A collection of records owned by one or more parties.
The final state of an execution context for a specification instance.
A group of sessions.


Input params for creating attribute module messages.
Params for attribute queries.
Allowed attribute value types.
Marker permission types.
Input params for creating marker module messages.
Params for marker queries.
Marker status types.
Marker types.
Input params for creating marker module messages.
Params for metadata queries
Input params for creating msgfee module messages.
A type for name bindings
Input params for creating name module messages.
Params for name queries.
Roles that can be associated to a party.
The representations of a process id.
Input params for custom provenance message encoders.
Input params for custom provenance queriers.
Supported provenance module router keys.
The representations of a record input source.
Record input types.
Result status types.


Create a message that will activate a finalized marker.
Create a message that will add an attribute (a typed key-value pair) to an account.
Create a message that will add a JSON attribute to an account. Serializable types can be passed into this function, but it’s up to the user to handle StdResult error case.
Create a message that will assess a custom fee
Create a message that will bind a name to an address.
Create a message that will burn marker coins.
Create a message that will cancel a marker.
Create a message that will propose a new marker with a given type.
Create a message that will remove all attributes with the given name from an account.
Create a message that will delete a distinct attribute with the given name and value from an account.
Create a message that will destroy a marker.
Create a message that will finalize a proposed marker.
Create a message that will grant permissions on a marker.
Create a message that will mint marker coins.
Create a message that will revoke marker permissions.
Create a message that will transfer a marker amount from one account to another.
Create a message that will un-bind a name from an address.
Create a message that will update an attribute (a typed key-value pair) on an account.
Create a message that will withdraw coins from a marker account to a recipient account.
Create a message that will create, or update, a scope.