Trait protocoll::Seq [] [src]

pub trait Seq<T> where Self: Sized {
    fn fun<'a>(&'a self) -> Box<Fn(usize) -> Option<&'a T> + 'a>;
    fn inc(self, i: T) -> Self;
    fn dec(self) -> Self;
    fn shrink(self) -> Self;
    fn empty(self) -> Self;

    fn absorb<I>(self, coll: I) -> Self where I: IntoIterator<Item=T> { ... }

basic protocol for seqs.

Required Methods

a seq maps from indices to items. O(n) for BinaryHeap.

adds item i. both Vec and VecDeque grows to the right.

removes an item. for Vec it's the last one; for VecDeque the first; for BinaryHeap it's the greatest one.



Provided Methods

takes another collection into this one.
