Expand description

prost-reflect-build contains Builder to configure prost_build::Config to derive prost_reflect::ReflectMessage for all messages in protocol buffers.

The simplest way to generate protocol buffer API:

// build.rs
use prost_reflect_build::Builder;

    .compile_protos(&["path/to/protobuf.proto"], &["path/to/include"])
    .expect("Failed to compile protos");

With default configuration, lib.rs must include the following lines for reflection.

static DESCRIPTOR_POOL: Lazy<DescriptorPool> = Lazy::new(|| DescriptorPool::decode(
    include_bytes!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "file_descriptor_set.bin")).as_ref()

// `include!` generated code may appear anywhere in the crate.
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "protobuf.rs"));


  • Configuration builder for prost-reflect code generation.