Module prop::fun

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Functional programming as propositions

Model is derived from PSQ, PSI and HOOO EP.


A type x : T uses Ty<X, T> from the path_semantics module (PSI).

A function type f : X -> Y uses Ty<F, Pow<Y, X>> from the hooo module (HOOO EP).

A lambda/closure type f : X => Y uses Ty<F, Imply<X, Y>>.

Imaginary Inverse

The syntax ~x uses Qu<X> from the qubit module, and the syntax x ~~ y uses Q<X, Y> from the quality module.

This model uses imaginary inverse inv(f) with ~inv(f) as a proof of bijective inverse. Here, ~ means the path semantical qubit operator, such that:

(inv(f) ~~ g) => ~inv(f)

It means that one uses path semantical quality instead of equality for inverses. Path semantical quality inv(f) ~~ g also implies inv(f) == g, which is useful in proofs.

The inv_val_qu axiom makes it possible to compute using the inverse:

(~inv(f) ⋀ (f(x) == y)) => (inv(f)(y) == x)

The reason for this design is that inv(f) == inv(f) is a tautology, and Rust’s type system can’t pattern match on 1-avatars with inequality in rules like in Avatar Logic.

By using a partial equivalence operator ~~ instead of ==, one can not prove inv(f) ~~ inv(f) without any assumptions. This solves the problem such that axioms can be added, only for functions that have inverses.

If a function f has no inverse, it is useful to prove false^(inv(f) ~~ g).

Function Extensionality

It is possible to prove the following (fun_ext):

(f == g)^true => fun_ext_ty(f, g)

However, the reverse is not possible to prove.

By using path semantical quality, the path axiom makes it possible to get the inverse map:

~inv(f) ⋀ (f : x -> y) ⋀ (x -> y) => f ⋀ inv(f)

Which proves (path_inv):

~inv(f) ⋀ (f : x -> y) ⋀ (x -> y) => (y -> x)

This means, only ~inv(fun_ext(f, g)) needs to be added, together with declaration of the type of function extensionality:

fun_ext(f, g) : (f == g)^true -> fun_ext_ty(f, g)

The path axiom might be thought of as collapsing the proof space of all tautology transforms with inverses, together with the proof space of inverses. With other words, it leverages PSI to say that any proof of x -> y is identical to having a proof of y -> x when there exists an inverse and a proof f : x -> y.


Boolean algebra
Homotopy Type Theory


Applied function.
Duplicate function.
Identity function.
Function extensionality.
Imaginary inverse.
Whether some symbol is a constant.
Parallel tuple.
Substitute in expression.
Cumulative type hierarchy.


is_const(a) ⋀ is_const(b) => is_const(a ⋀ b).
Get type of applied binary operator.
Get type of applied binary operator.
((\(a : x) = b) : (x => y)) ⋀ (a : x) ⋀ (b : y) ⋀ (c : x) => (f(a) : y[a := c]).
Indiscernibility of identicals (Leibniz’s law).
Get type of applied function.
is_const(f) ⋀ is_const(x) => is_const(f(x)).
(f : (x => y)) ⋀ (a : x) => (f(a) : y).
(f(a) == b) ⋀ (a : x) ⋀ (b : y) => (\(a : x) = f(a)) : (x => y).
Lift equality of maps to application.
g(f(x)) => (g . f)(x).
h . (g . f) == (h . g) . f.
(f == h) => (f . g) == (h . g).
(g == h) => (f . g) == (f . h).
id . f == f.
f . id == f.
(g . f) ⋀ (g == h) => (h . f).
(g . f) ⋀ (f == h) => (g . h).
(inv(f) . inv(g)) == inv(g . f).
(inv(f) . inv(g)) => inv(g . f).
is_const(f) ⋀ is_const(g) => is_const(g . f).
(inv(f) . f) => id.
(f . inv(f)) => id.
(g . f)(x) => g(f(x)).
Type of composition.
is_const(a) ⋀ is_const(b) => is_const((a, b)).
Definition of Dup function.
Type of Dup.
(g . f)(x) == g(f(x)).
f[g1 x g2 -> g3] == f[(g1 x g2) -> g3].
f[g1 x g2 -> g3][g4 x g5 -> g6] == f[(g1 x g2) -> g3][(g4 x g5) -> g6].
fst((a, b)) = a.
Type of Fst.
(f == g)^true => fun_ext_ty(f, g).
(a : x) ⋀ (f == g) => ((\(a : x) = (f(a) == g(a))) . (snd . snd))((f, g, a)).
(a : x) => ((\(a : x) = (f(a) == f(a))) . (snd . snd))((f, f, a)).
fun_ext_ty(f, f).
fun_ext_ty(f, g) => fun_ext_ty(g, f).
fun_ext_ty(f, g) ⋀ fun_ext_ty(g, h) => fun_ext_ty(f, h).
Type of function extensionality.
fun_ext_ty(f, g) => (f == g)^true.
Definition of identity function.
inv(id) ~~ id.
id => (inv(f). f).
id => (f . inv(f)).
Type of Id.
is_const(a) ⋀ is_const(b) => is_const(a => b).
inv(g . f) => (inv(f) . inv(g)).
inv(inv(f))(x) == f(x).
(f == g) => inv(f) == inv(g).
inv(inv(f)) => f.
is_const(f) => is_const(inv(f)).
~f => ~inv(f).
Inverse type (f : x -> y) => (inv(f) : y -> x).
Get inverse map of f if there exists a proof g.
Get inverse map of f by g.
Get inverse map of f if there exists a proof ~inv(f).
inv(inv(f)) == f.
f => inv(inv(f)).
(c : x) => ((\(a : x) = b)(c) == b[a := c]).
(b : x) => ((\(a : x) = b)(b) == b.
(a : x) ⋀ (b : y) ⋀ (c : x) ⋀ is_const(x) => ((\(a : x) = b)(c) : y).
(a : x) ⋀ (b : x) => (\(a : x) = b)(b) : x.
(a : x) ⋀ (b : y) ⋀ (c : x) => ((\(a : x) = b)(c) : y[a := c]).
(a : x) ⋀ (b == c) => (\(a : x) = b) == (\(a : x) = c).
(c : x) => (\(a : x) = \(b : y) = a)(c) == (\(b : y[a := c]) = c).
(a : x) ⋀ (b : y) => (\(a : x) = \(b : y) = a) : x
(\(a : x) = a)(b) = b.
(a : x) ⋀ (b : x) => (\(a : x) = a)(b) : x.
(\(a : x) = a) ~~ id.
(a : x) => (\(a : x) = a) : (x => x).
(a : x) ⋀ b => (\(a : x) = b).
(c : x) => (\(a : x) = \(b : y) = b)(c) == (\(b : y[a := c]) = b).
(a : x) ⋀ (b : y) => (\(a : x) = \(b : y) = b) : y.
(a : x) ⋀ (b : y) => (\(a : x) = b) : (x => y).
f[g1 -> g2][g3 -> g4] == f[(g3 . g1) -> (g4 . g2)].
(f == h) => f[g1 -> g2] == h[g1 -> g2].
(g1 == h) => f[g1 -> g2] == f[h -> g2].
(g2 == h) => f[g1 -> g2] == f[g1 -> h].
id[f -> id] == inv(f).
f[g1 x g2 -> g3][g4 x g5 -> g6] == f[(g4 . g1) x (g5 . g2) -> (g6 . g3)].
(f == h) => f[g1 x g2 -> g3] == h[g1 x g2 -> g3].
is_const(a) ⋀ is_const(b) => is_const(a ⋁ b).
is_const(f) ⋀ is_const(g) => is_const(f x g).
(g1 x g2) . (f1 x f2) == ((g1 . f1) x (g2 . f2)).
(f(i0) == o0) ⋀ (g(i1) == o1) => (f x g)(i0, i1) == (o0, o1).
(f : (x1 -> y1)) ⋀ (g : (x2 -> y2)) => (f x g) : ((x1, x2) -> (y1, y2)).
(id x id) == id.
inv(f x g) == inv(f) x inv(g).
(f : (x1 => y1)) ⋀ (g : (x2 => y2)) => (f x g) : ((x1, x2) => (y1, y2)).
~inv(f) ⋀ (f : x -> y) ⋀ (x -> y) => f ⋀ inv(f).
~inv(f) ⋀ (f : x -> y) ⋀ (x -> y) => (y -> x).
is_const(a) ⋀ is_const(b) => is_const(pord(a, b)).
(a -> b) : type(0).
inv(f) ~~ g == f ~~ inv(g).
inv(f) ~~ g => f ~~ inv(g).
f ~~ inv(g) => inv(f) ~~ g.
f ~~ g => inv(f) ~~ inv(g).
(f : A -> B) ⋀ (inv(f) ~~ g) => ((f ~~ g) : ((A -> B) ~~ (B -> A))).
~f => ~inv(inv(f)).
~inv(fun_ext(f, g)).
~inv(f) ⋀ (f == g)^true => ~inv(g).
~inv(inv(f)) => ~f.
~f ⋀ (f == g)^true => f ~~ g.
~inv(f) => (f(a) == b) == (inv(f)(b) == a).
(inv(f) == f) => ((f . f) == id).
(f : A -> B) => ((f ~~ inv(f)) : ((A -> B) ~~ (B -> A))).
snd((a, b)) = b.
Type of Snd.
is_const(a) => (a[b := c] == d).
a[c := d] == b => a[c := d][e := f] == b[e := f].
a[c := d] == b => (\(e) = a[c := d]) == (\(e) = b).
a[b := a] == a.
(\(a : x) = b)[a := c] == b[a := c].
(\(a : x) = b)[a := c] == b[a := c].
a[b := b] == b
a[a := b] == b
(a, b)[c := d] == (a[c := d], b[c := d]).
(a : b) => (b[c := a] == b).
f[g1][g2] == f[g2 . g1] for 1 argument.
f[id] == f for 1 argument.
f[g1][g2] == f[g2 . g1] for 2 arguments.
f[id] == f for 2 arguments.
(a == b) => (a, c, d) == (b, c, d).
(a == b) => (c, a, d) == (c, b, d).
(a == b) => (c, d, a) == (c, d, b).
(a, b, c) : (x, y, z) => (a : x).
(c : x) ⋀ (d : y) ⋀ ((a, c, d) == (b, c, d)) => (a == b).
(c : x) ⋀ (d : y) ⋀ ((c, a, d) == (c, b, d)) => (a == b).
(c : x) ⋀ (d : y) ⋀ ((c, d, a) == (c, d, b)) => (a == b).
(a, b, c) : (x, y, z) => (b : y).
(a, b, c) : (x, y, z) => (c : z).
is_const((a, b)) => is_const(a) ⋀ is_const(b).
(a == b) => (a, c) == (b, c).
(a == b) => (c, a) == (c, b).
(a, b) : (x, y) => (a : x).
is_const(a) ⋀ is_const(b) => is_const((a, b)).
(c : d) ⋀ ((a, c) == (b, c)) => (a == b).
(c : d) ⋀ ((c, a) == (c, b)) => (a == b).
(a, b) : (x, y) => (b : y).
(a : x) ⋀ (b : y) => (a, b) : (x, y).
is_const(a) ⋀ is_const(b) => is_const(a : b).
type(n) => type(n+1).
type(n) : type(n+1).

Type Definitions

Apply 2 function arguments.
Dependent function f : ((a : x) -> p(a)).
Dependent function type (a : x) -> p(a).
Dependent lambda f : ((a : x) => p(a)).
Dependent lambda type (a : x) => p(a).
\(a : x) = (f(a) == g(a)).
((f, g, a) : (x -> y, x -> y, x)) -> ((\(a : x) = (f(a) == g(a))) . (snd . snd))((f, g, a)).
\(a : x) = \(b : y) = a.
\(a : x) = a.
\(a : x) = \(b : y) = b.
f[g1 -> g2].
f[g1 x g2 -> g3].
f[g] of 1 argument.
f[g] of 2 arguments.
Tuple of 3 elements.