Type Definition pretty::Arena[][src]

type Arena<'a, A = ()> = Arena<Doc<'a, RefDoc<'a, A>, A>>;

An arena which can be used to allocate Doc values.

Trait Implementations

impl<'a, A> DocAllocator<'a, A> for Arena<'a, A>

Allocate an empty document.

Allocate a single newline.

Allocate a single space.

Allocate a document containing the text t.to_string(). Read more

Allocate a document containing the given text. Read more

Allocate a document concatenating the given documents.

Allocate a document that intersperses the given separator S between the given documents [A, B, C, ..., Z], yielding [A, S, B, S, C, S, ..., S, Z]. Read more