Crate pretend

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pretend HTTP client

pretend is a modular, Feign-inspired, HTTP client based on macros. It’s goal is to decouple the definition of a REST API from it’s implementation.

Some features:

  • Declarative
  • Support Asynchronous and blocking requests
  • HTTP client agnostic
  • JSON support thanks to serde

Getting started

A REST API is described by annotating a trait:

use pretend::{pretend, Result};

trait HttpBin {
    #[request(method = "POST", path = "/anything")]
    async fn post_anything(&self, body: &'static str) -> Result<String>;

Under the hood, pretend will implement this trait for Pretend. An instance of this struct can be constructed by passing a client implementation, and the REST API’s base url. In the following example, we are using the reqwest based client.

use pretend::{Pretend, Url};
use pretend_reqwest::Client;

let client = Client::default();
let url = Url::parse("").unwrap();
let pretend = Pretend::for_client(client).with_url(url);
let response = pretend.post_anything("hello").await.unwrap();

Sending headers, query parameters and bodies

Headers are provided as attributes using header.

use pretend::{pretend, Result};

trait HttpBin {
    #[request(method = "GET", path = "/get")]
    #[header(name = "X-Test-Header-1", value = "abc")]
    #[header(name = "X-Test-Header-2", value = "other")]
    async fn get_with_headers(&self, value: i32, custom: &str) -> Result<()>;

Query parameters and bodies are provided as method parameters. Body type is guessed based on the parameter name:

  • Parameter body will be sent as raw bytes.
  • Parameter form will be serialized as form-encoded using serde.
  • Parameter json will be serialized as JSON using serde.

Query parameter is passed with the query parameter. It is also serialized using serde.

use pretend::{pretend, Json, Result};
use serde::Serialize;

struct Data {
    value: i32,

trait HttpBin {
    #[request(method = "POST", path = "/anything")]
    async fn post_bytes(&self, body: Vec<u8>) -> Result<()>;

    #[request(method = "POST", path = "/anything")]
    async fn post_string(&self, body: &'static str) -> Result<()>;

    #[request(method = "POST", path = "/anything")]
    async fn post_with_query_params(&self, query: &Data) -> Result<()>;

    #[request(method = "POST", path = "/anything")]
    async fn post_json(&self, json: &Data) -> Result<()>;

Handling responses

pretend support a wide range of response types, based on the return type of the method. The body can be returned as a Vec<u8>, a string or as JSON by using the Json wrapper type. The unit type () can also be used if the body should be discarded.

JsonResult is also offered as a convenience type. It will deserialize into a value type or an error type depending on the HTTP status code.

When retrieving body alone, an HTTP error will cause the method to return an error. It is possible to prevent the method to fail and access the HTTP status code by wrapping these types inside a Response. This also allows accessing response headers.

use pretend::{pretend, Json, JsonResult, Response, Result};
use serde::Deserialize;

struct Data {
    value: i32,

struct Error {
    error: String,

trait HttpBin {
    #[request(method = "POST", path = "/anything")]
    async fn get_bytes(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>>;

    #[request(method = "POST", path = "/anything")]
    async fn get_string(&self) -> Result<String>;

    #[request(method = "POST", path = "/anything")]
    async fn get_json(&self) -> Result<Json<Data>>;

    #[request(method = "POST", path = "/anything")]
    async fn get_json_result(&self) -> Result<JsonResult<Data, Error>>;

    #[request(method = "POST", path = "/anything")]
    async fn get_status(&self) -> Result<Response<()>>;


Request paths and headers support templating. A value between braces will be replaced by a parameter with the same name. The replacement is done with format!, meaning that any type that implement Display is supported.

use pretend::{pretend, Json, Pretend, Result, Url};
use pretend_reqwest::Client;
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::collections::HashMap;

struct Data {
    url: String,
    headers: HashMap<String, String>,

trait HttpBin {
    #[request(method = "POST", path = "/{path}")]
    #[header(name = "X-{header}", value = "{value}$")]
    async fn get(&self, path: &str, header: &str, value: i32) -> Result<Json<Data>>;

let client = Client::default();
let url = Url::parse("").unwrap();
let pretend = Pretend::for_client(client).with_url(url);
let response = pretend.get("anything", "My-Header", 123).await.unwrap();
let data = response.value();
assert_eq!(data.url, "");
assert_eq!(*data.headers.get("X-My-Header").unwrap(), "123$".to_string());

URL resolvers

pretend uses URL resolvers to resolve a full URL from the path in request. By default the URL resolver will simply append the path to a base URL. More advanced resolvers can be implemented with the resolver module.

Request interceptors

pretend uses request interceptors to customize auto-generated requests. They can be useful when dealing with authentication. They can be implemented with the interceptor module.

use pretend::http::header::AUTHORIZATION;
use pretend::http::HeaderValue;
use pretend::interceptor::{InterceptRequest, Request};
use pretend::{pretend, Error, Json, Pretend, Result, Url};
use pretend_reqwest::Client;
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::collections::HashMap;

struct Data {
    url: String,
    headers: HashMap<String, String>,

trait HttpBin {
    #[request(method = "GET", path = "/get")]
    async fn get(&self) -> Result<Json<Data>>;

struct AuthInterceptor {
    auth: String,

impl AuthInterceptor {
    fn new(auth: String) -> Self {
        AuthInterceptor { auth }

impl InterceptRequest for AuthInterceptor {
    fn intercept(&self, mut request: Request) -> Result<Request> {
        // Create the header, reporting failure if the header is invalid
        let header = format!("Bearer {}", self.auth);
        let header = HeaderValue::from_str(&header).map_err(|err| Error::Request(Box::new(err)))?;

        // Set the authorization header in the request
        request.headers.append(AUTHORIZATION, header);
let client = Client::default();
let url = Url::parse("").unwrap();
let auth_interceptor = AuthInterceptor::new("test".to_string());
let pretend = Pretend::for_client(client).with_url(url).with_request_interceptor(auth_interceptor);
let response = pretend.get().await.unwrap();
let data = response.value();
assert_eq!(*data.headers.get("Authorization").unwrap(), "Bearer test".to_string());


More examples are available in the examples folder.

Blocking requests

When all methods in the pretend-annotated trait are async, pretend will generate an async implementation. To generate a blocking implementation, simply remove the async keyword.

Blocking implementations needs a blocking client implementation to be used. In the following example, we are using one provided by reqwest

use pretend::{pretend, Pretend, Result, Url};
use pretend_reqwest::BlockingClient;

trait HttpBin {
    #[request(method = "POST", path = "/anything")]
    fn post_anything(&self, body: &'static str) -> Result<String>;

let client = BlockingClient::default();
let url = Url::parse("").unwrap();
let pretend = Pretend::for_client(client).with_url(url);
let response = pretend.post_anything("hello").unwrap();

Non-Send implementation

Today, Rust does not support futures in traits. pretend uses async_trait to workaround that limitation. By default, async_trait adds the Send bound to futures. This implies that Pretend itself is Send and Sync, and implies that the client implementation it uses is also Send and Sync.

However, some clients are not thread-safe, and cannot be shared between threads. To use these clients with Pretend, you have to opt-out from the Send constraint on returned futures by using #[pretend(?Send)]. This is similar to what is done in async_trait.

Clients implementations that are not thread-safe are usually called “local clients”.

Non-Send errors

pretend boxes errors returned by the client in Error. By default, it requires the error to be Send + Sync. For some clients, especially local ones, this bound cannot be guaranteed.

pretend offers the feature local-error as an escape latch. When enabled, this feature will drop the Send + Sync bound on boxed errors. This feature is enabled by default for pretend-awc, a local client that returns non-Send errors.

Available client implementations

pretend can be used with the following HTTP clients

These client implementations depends on the latest major release of each HTTP client at time of the release. The default feature for each of the HTTP client crate is also mapped to the pretend-* crate. To enable HTTP client features, you should add it as a dependency and enable them here. If needed, you can play with the default-features option on the pretend-* crate.

The following snippet will enable reqwest default features

pretend-reqwest = "0.2.2"

In the following snippet, no feature of reqwest will be enabled

pretend-reqwest = { version = "0.2.2", default-features = false }

To use reqwest with rustls instead of the native-tls, you can do the following:

pretend-reqwest = { version = "0.2.2", default-features = false }
reqwest = { version = "*", default-features = false, features = ["rustls-tls"] }

Implementing a pretend HTTP client

pretend clients wraps HTTP clients from other crates. They allow Pretend to execute HTTP requests. See the client module level documentation for more information about how to implement a client.


MSRV for the pretend ecosystem is Rust 1.44.

The future

Here is a quick roadmap

  • Introduce more attributes to mark method parameters (body, json, params)





Type Definitions

Attribute Macros