Module powerboxesrs::boxes

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  • Calculates the areas of a 2D array of boxes.
  • Converts a 2D array of boxes from one format to another.
  • Converts a 2D array of boxes from one format to another, in-place. This works because all box formats use 4 values in their representations.
  • Compute the bounding boxes around the provided masks. Returns a [N, 4] array containing bounding boxes. The boxes are in xyxy format
  • Calculates the areas of a 2D array of boxes in parallel. This function is only faster than box_areas for large arrays
  • Converts a 2D array of boxes from one format to another, in parallel. This function is only faster than box_convert for large arrays
  • Removes all boxes from the input array that have a size smaller than min_size.
  • Calculates the areas of rotated boxes in the cxcywha format.