Expand description

postrpc is a gRPC wrapper around Postgres databases that provides a dynamically-typed, JSON-compatible query interface.

While most users will use postgrpc in its standalone, executable form, this library provides all of the building blocks needed to build your own gRPC server. Customization can be done through feature-based conditional compilation and by implementing pools::Pool and pools::Connection traits over customized connection management systems.

How to use postgrpc

By default, this crate ships with all of the features required by its executable. If you’re using postgrpc as a library, you will probably only want to enable a subset of those features. A few of those uses are discussed below.

gRPC handling as a tonic::server::NamedService

By default, postgrpc ships a connection-pool-agnostic, tonic-compatible gRPC Postgres service in services::postgres. To use this service as a part of a tonic app without needing to implement your own pool, be sure to enable the deadpool feature in your Cargo.toml.

tonic Example
use postgrpc::{pools::deadpool, services::postgres};
use std::sync::Arc;
use tonic::transport::Server;
// deadpool::Configuration implements serde::Deserialize,
// so envy can be used to deserialize it from environment variables
use envy::from_env;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
  // create the connection pool from environment variables
  let pool = from_env::<deadpool::Configuration>()?

  // configure and run the tonic server on port 8675
    .serve(([127, 0, 0, 1], 8675).into())

Custom connection pooling

See the documentation of pools::Pool and pools::Connection for how to implement your own connection pools for services. Custom pools can be implemented without any default features from this library.


Interceptors for adding tonic::Extensions to gRPC requests.

Pool implementations and pooling traits for custom connection pools.

tonic-compatible gRPC Service implementations for Postgres features.


Compiled file descriptors for implementing gRPC reflection with e.g. tonic_reflection.

Attribute Macros

Re-export of the async_trait macro for implementing pools::Pool and pools::Connection