pub fn df_from_resource<P: AsRef<Path>>(
    path: P,
    params: Option<ReadParams<'_>>
) -> Result<DataFrame, Error>
Expand description

Given a filepath or a URI, read the resource into a dataframe.

The simplest resource is a file on the local filesystem, in which case we would simply pass in a filepath. Fetching resources over http(s) is supported using a URL. Connecting to PostGIS is supported using a postgres://user:pass@host/dbname URI in combination with setting Params::layer_name to the name of the table.

Formats supported include GeoJSON, Shapefile, SpatialLite database, KML, and others. See for a full list of supported formats. Some formats require additional libraries to be installed.

Local file example

use polars_gdal::df_from_resource;
let df = df_from_resource("my_shapefile.shp", None).unwrap();
println!("{}", df);

Remote file example

use polars_gdal::df_from_resource;
let df = df_from_resource("", None).unwrap();
println!("{}", df);

PostGIS example

use polars_gdal::{df_from_resource, Params};

let mut params = crate::Params::default();
params.layer_name = Some("some_table_name");
let df = df_from_resource("postgresql://user:pass@hostname/dbname", Some(params)).unwrap();
println!("{}", df);