pub trait Utf8NameSpaceImpl: AsUtf8 {
Show 16 methods fn str_lengths(&self) -> ChunkedArray<UInt32Type> { ... } fn contains(
        pat: &str
    ) -> Result<ChunkedArray<BooleanType>, PolarsError> { ... } fn contains_literal(
        lit: &str
    ) -> Result<ChunkedArray<BooleanType>, PolarsError> { ... } fn ends_with(&self, sub: &str) -> ChunkedArray<BooleanType> { ... } fn starts_with(&self, sub: &str) -> ChunkedArray<BooleanType> { ... } fn replace(
        &'a self,
        pat: &str,
        val: &str
    ) -> Result<ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>, PolarsError> { ... } fn replace_literal(
        pat: &str,
        val: &str
    ) -> Result<ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>, PolarsError> { ... } fn replace_all(
        pat: &str,
        val: &str
    ) -> Result<ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>, PolarsError> { ... } fn replace_literal_all(
        pat: &str,
        val: &str
    ) -> Result<ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>, PolarsError> { ... } fn extract(
        pat: &str,
        group_index: usize
    ) -> Result<ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>, PolarsError> { ... } fn extract_all(
        pat: &str
    ) -> Result<ChunkedArray<ListType>, PolarsError> { ... } fn count_match(
        pat: &str
    ) -> Result<ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>, PolarsError> { ... } fn to_lowercase(&self) -> ChunkedArray<Utf8Type> { ... } fn to_uppercase(&self) -> ChunkedArray<Utf8Type> { ... } fn concat(&self, other: &ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>) -> ChunkedArray<Utf8Type> { ... } fn str_slice(
        start: i64,
        length: Option<u64>
    ) -> Result<ChunkedArray<Utf8Type>, PolarsError> { ... }

Provided Methods

Get the length of the string values.

Check if strings contain a regex pattern; take literal fast-path if no special chars and strlen <= 96 chars (otherwise regex faster).

Check if strings contain a given literal

Check if strings ends with a substring

Check if strings starts with a substring

Replace the leftmost regex-matched (sub)string with another string; take fast-path for small (<= 32 chars) strings (otherwise regex faster).

Replace the leftmost literal (sub)string with another string

Replace all regex-matched (sub)strings with another string

Replace all matching literal (sub)strings with another string

Extract the nth capture group from pattern

Extract each successive non-overlapping regex match in an individual string as an array

Count all successive non-overlapping regex matches.

Modify the strings to their lowercase equivalent

Modify the strings to their uppercase equivalent

Concat with the values from a second Utf8Chunked

Slice the string values Determines a substring starting from start and with optional length length of each of the elements in array. start can be negative, in which case the start counts from the end of the string.
