pub trait Utf8Methods {
    fn as_time(
        fmt: Option<&str>
    ) -> Result<Logical<TimeType, Int64Type>, PolarsError>; fn as_date_not_exact(
        fmt: Option<&str>
    ) -> Result<Logical<DateType, Int32Type>, PolarsError>; fn as_datetime_not_exact(
        fmt: Option<&str>,
        tu: TimeUnit
    ) -> Result<Logical<DatetimeType, Int64Type>, PolarsError>; fn as_date(
        fmt: Option<&str>
    ) -> Result<Logical<DateType, Int32Type>, PolarsError>; fn as_datetime(
        fmt: Option<&str>,
        tu: TimeUnit
    ) -> Result<Logical<DatetimeType, Int64Type>, PolarsError>; }

Required Methods

Parsing string values and return a TimeChunked

Parsing string values and return a DateChunked Different from as_date this function allows matches that not contain the whole string e.g. “foo-2021-01-01-bar” could match “2021-01-01”

Parsing string values and return a DatetimeChunked Different from as_datetime this function allows matches that not contain the whole string e.g. “foo-2021-01-01-bar” could match “2021-01-01”

Parsing string values and return a DateChunked

Parsing string values and return a DatetimeChunked
