pub struct ChunkedArray<T> where
    T: PolarsDataType
{ /* private fields */ }
Expand description


Every Series contains a ChunkedArray<T>. Unlike Series, ChunkedArray’s are typed. This allows us to apply closures to the data and collect the results to a ChunkedArray of the same type T. Below we use an apply to use the cosine function to the values of a ChunkedArray.

fn apply_cosine(ca: &Float32Chunked) -> Float32Chunked {
    ca.apply(|v| v.cos())

If we would like to cast the result we could use a Rust Iterator instead of an apply method. Note that Iterators are slightly slower as the null values aren’t ignored implicitly.

fn apply_cosine_and_cast(ca: &Float32Chunked) -> Float64Chunked {
        .map(|opt_v| {|v| v.cos() as f64)

Another option is to first cast and then use an apply.

fn apply_cosine_and_cast(ca: &Float32Chunked) -> Float64Chunked {
    ca.apply_cast_numeric(|v| v.cos() as f64)

Conversion between Series and ChunkedArray’s

Conversion from a Series to a ChunkedArray is effortless.

fn to_chunked_array(series: &Series) -> Result<&Int32Chunked>{

fn to_series(ca: Int32Chunked) -> Series {


ChunkedArrays fully support Rust native Iterator and DoubleEndedIterator traits, thereby giving access to all the excellent methods available for Iterators.

fn iter_forward(ca: &Float32Chunked) {
        .for_each(|opt_v| println!("{:?}", opt_v))

fn iter_backward(ca: &Float32Chunked) {
        .for_each(|opt_v| println!("{:?}", opt_v))

Memory layout

ChunkedArray’s use Apache Arrow as backend for the memory layout. Arrows memory is immutable which makes it possible to make multiple zero copy (sub)-views from a single array.

To be able to append data, Polars uses chunks to append new memory locations, hence the ChunkedArray<T> data structure. Appends are cheap, because it will not lead to a full reallocation of the whole array (as could be the case with a Rust Vec).

However, multiple chunks in a ChunkArray will slow down many operations that need random access because we have an extra indirection and indexes need to be mapped to the proper chunk. Arithmetic may also be slowed down by this. When multiplying two ChunkArray's with different chunk sizes they cannot utilize SIMD for instance.

If you want to have predictable performance (no unexpected re-allocation of memory), it is advised to call the ChunkedArray::rechunk after multiple append operations.

See also ChunkedArray::extend for appends within a chunk.


Convert all values to their absolute/positive value.

Append in place. This is done by adding the chunks of other to this ChunkedArray.

See also extend for appends to the underlying memory

Cast a numeric array to another numeric data type and apply a function in place. This saves an allocation.

This impl block contains no items.

Used to save compilation paths. Use carefully. Although this is safe, if misused it can lead to incorrect results.

Get the length of the ChunkedArray

Check if ChunkedArray is empty.

Slice the array. The chunks are reallocated the underlying data slices are zero copy.

When offset is negative it will be counted from the end of the array. This method will never error, and will slice the best match when offset, or length is out of bounds

Take a view of top n elements

Get the head of the ChunkedArray

Get the tail of the ChunkedArray

Extend the memory backed by this array with the values from other.

Different from ChunkedArray::append which adds chunks to this ChunkedArray extent appends the data from other to the underlying PrimitiveArray and thus may cause a reallocation.

However if this does not cause a reallocation, the resulting data structure will not have any extra chunks and thus will yield faster queries.

Prefer extend over append when you want to do a query after a single append. For instance during online operations where you add n rows and rerun a query.

Prefer append over extend when you want to append many times before doing a query. For instance when you read in multiple files and when to store them in a single DataFrame. In the latter case finish the sequence of append operations with a rechunk.

Apply a rolling custom function. This is pretty slow because of dynamic dispatch.

Check if all values are true

Check if any value is true

Convert missing values to NaN values.

If data is aligned in a single chunk and has no Null values a zero copy view is returned as an ndarray

If all nested Series have the same length, a 2 dimensional ndarray::Array is returned.

Create a new ChunkedArray from existing chunks.

Create a new ChunkedArray by taking ownership of the Vec. This operation is zero copy.

Nullify values in slice with an existing null bitmap

This is an iterator over a ListChunked that save allocations. A Series is: 1. Arc ChunkedArray is: 2. Vec< 3. ArrayRef>

The ArrayRef we indicated with 3. will be updated during iteration. The Series will be pinned in memory, saving an allocation for

  1. Arc<..>
  2. Vec<…>

Though memory safe in the sense that it will not read unowned memory, UB, or memory leaks this function still needs precautions. The returned should never be cloned or taken longer than a single iteration, as every call on next of the iterator will change the contents of that Series.

Apply a closure F elementwise.

Get a hold to an object that can be formatted or downcasted via the Any trait.


No bounds checks

Get a hold to an object that can be formatted or downcasted via the Any trait.

Sample n datapoints from this ChunkedArray.

Sample a fraction between 0.0-1.0 of this ChunkedArray.

Create ChunkedArray with samples from a Normal distribution.

Create ChunkedArray with samples from a Standard Normal distribution.

Create ChunkedArray with samples from a Uniform distribution.

Create ChunkedArray with samples from a Bernoulli distribution.

Set the ‘sorted’ bit meta info.

Get the index of the first non null value in this ChunkedArray.

Get the index of the last non null value in this ChunkedArray.

Get the buffer of bits representing null values

Return if any the chunks in this [ChunkedArray] have a validity bitmap. no bitmap means no null values.

Shrink the capacity of this array to fit it’s length.

Series to ChunkedArray

Unique id representing the number of chunks

A reference to the chunks

A mutable reference to the chunks


The caller must ensure to not change the DataType or length of any of the chunks.

Returns true if contains a single chunk and has no null values

Count the null values.

Append arrow array in place.

let mut array = Int32Chunked::new("array", &[1, 2]);
let array_2 = Int32Chunked::new("2nd", &[3]);

assert_eq!(Vec::from(&array), [Some(1), Some(2), Some(3)])

Get a mask of the null values.

Get a mask of the valid values.

Get data type of ChunkedArray.

Name of the ChunkedArray.

Get a reference to the field.

Rename this ChunkedArray.

Contiguous slice

Get slices of the underlying arrow data. NOTE: null values should be taken into account by the user of these slices as they are handled separately

Get the inner data type of the list.

Specialization that prevents an allocation prefer this over ChunkedArray::new when you have a Vec<T::Native> and no null values.

We cannot override the left hand side behaviour. So we create a trait LhsNumOps. This allows for 1.add(&Series)

Apply lhs - self

Apply lhs / self

Apply lhs % self

Trait Implementations

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

Performs the + operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

Performs the + operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

Performs the + operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

Performs the + operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

Performs the + operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

Performs the + operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

Performs the + operation. Read more

Safety Read more

Safety Read more

Safety Read more

Safety Read more

Safety Read more

Get the index of the minimal value

Get the index of the maximal value

Get the index of the minimal value

Get the index of the maximal value

Get the index of the minimal value

Get the index of the maximal value

Get the index of the minimal value

Get the index of the maximal value

Get the index of the minimal value

Get the index of the maximal value

Converts this type into a mutable reference of the (usually inferred) input type.

Converts this type into a shared reference of the (usually inferred) input type.

Converts this type into a shared reference of the (usually inferred) input type.

The resulting type after applying the & operator.

Performs the & operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the & operator.

Performs the & operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the & operator.

Performs the & operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the | operator.

Performs the | operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the | operator.

Performs the | operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the | operator.

Performs the | operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator.

Performs the ^ operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator.

Performs the ^ operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator.

Performs the ^ operation. Read more

Aggregate the sum of the ChunkedArray. Returns None if the array is empty or only contains null values. Read more

Returns the maximum value in the array, according to the natural order. Returns None if the array is empty or only contains null values. Read more

Returns the mean value in the array. Returns None if the array is empty or only contains null values. Read more

Booleans are casted to 1 or 0.

Returns None if the array is empty or only contains null values.

Returns the maximum value in the array, according to the natural order. Returns None if the array is empty or only contains null values. Read more

Returns the mean value in the array. Returns None if the array is empty or only contains null values. Read more

Get the sum of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the max of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the min of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the product of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the sum of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the max of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the min of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the product of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the sum of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the max of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the min of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the product of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the sum of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the max of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the min of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the product of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the sum of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the max of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the min of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the product of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get a single value. Beware this is slow. If you need to use this slightly performant, cast Categorical to UInt32 Read more

Get a single value. Beware this is slow.

Get a single value. Beware this is slow. If you need to use this slightly performant, cast Categorical to UInt32 Read more

Get a single value. Beware this is slow.

Get a single value. Beware this is slow. If you need to use this slightly performant, cast Categorical to UInt32 Read more

Get a single value. Beware this is slow.

Get a single value. Beware this is slow. If you need to use this slightly performant, cast Categorical to UInt32 Read more

Get a single value. Beware this is slow.

Get a single value. Beware this is slow. If you need to use this slightly performant, cast Categorical to UInt32 Read more

Get a single value. Beware this is slow.

Apply a closure elementwise and cast to a Numeric ChunkedArray. This is fastest when the null check branching is more expensive than the closure application. Read more

Apply a closure on optional values and cast to Numeric ChunkedArray without null values.

Apply a closure elementwise. This is fastest when the null check branching is more expensive than the closure application. Often it is. Read more

Apply a closure elementwise including null values.

Apply a closure elementwise. The closure gets the index of the element as first argument.

Apply a closure elementwise. The closure gets the index of the element as first argument.

Apply a closure elementwise and write results to a mutable slice.

Apply a closure elementwise and cast to a Numeric ChunkedArray. This is fastest when the null check branching is more expensive than the closure application. Read more

Apply a closure on optional values and cast to Numeric ChunkedArray without null values.

Apply a closure elementwise. This is fastest when the null check branching is more expensive than the closure application. Often it is. Read more

Apply a closure elementwise including null values.

Apply a closure elementwise. The closure gets the index of the element as first argument.

Apply a closure elementwise. The closure gets the index of the element as first argument.

Apply a closure elementwise and write results to a mutable slice.

Apply a closure elementwise and cast to a Numeric ChunkedArray. This is fastest when the null check branching is more expensive than the closure application. Read more

Apply a closure on optional values and cast to Numeric ChunkedArray without null values.

Apply a closure elementwise. This is fastest when the null check branching is more expensive than the closure application. Often it is. Read more

Apply a closure elementwise including null values.

Apply a closure elementwise. The closure gets the index of the element as first argument.

Apply a closure elementwise. The closure gets the index of the element as first argument.

Apply a closure elementwise and write results to a mutable slice.

Apply a closure F elementwise.

Apply a closure elementwise. The closure gets the index of the element as first argument.

Apply a closure elementwise. The closure gets the index of the element as first argument.

Apply a closure elementwise and cast to a Numeric ChunkedArray. This is fastest when the null check branching is more expensive than the closure application. Read more

Apply a closure on optional values and cast to Numeric ChunkedArray without null values.

Apply a closure elementwise including null values.

Apply a closure elementwise and write results to a mutable slice.

Apply a closure elementwise and cast to a Numeric ChunkedArray. This is fastest when the null check branching is more expensive than the closure application. Read more

Apply a closure on optional values and cast to Numeric ChunkedArray without null values.

Apply a closure elementwise. This is fastest when the null check branching is more expensive than the closure application. Often it is. Read more

Apply a closure elementwise including null values.

Apply a closure elementwise. The closure gets the index of the element as first argument.

Apply a closure elementwise. The closure gets the index of the element as first argument.

Apply a closure elementwise and write results to a mutable slice.

Apply kernel and return result as a new ChunkedArray.

Apply a kernel that outputs an array of different type.

Apply kernel and return result as a new ChunkedArray.

Apply a kernel that outputs an array of different type.

Apply kernel and return result as a new ChunkedArray.

Apply a kernel that outputs an array of different type.

Cast a [ChunkedArray] to [DataType]

Does not check if the cast is a valid one and may over/underflow

We cannot cast anything to or from List/LargeList So this implementation casts the inner type

Cast a [ChunkedArray] to [DataType]

Does not check if the cast is a valid one and may over/underflow

Cast a [ChunkedArray] to [DataType]

Does not check if the cast is a valid one and may over/underflow

Cast a [ChunkedArray] to [DataType]

Does not check if the cast is a valid one and may over/underflow

Check for equality and regard missing values as equal.

Check for equality.

Check for inequality.

Greater than comparison.

Greater than or equal comparison.

Less than comparison.

Less than or equal comparison

Check for equality and regard missing values as equal.

Check for equality.

Check for inequality.

Greater than comparison.

Greater than or equal comparison.

Less than comparison.

Less than or equal comparison

Check for equality and regard missing values as equal.

Check for equality.

Check for inequality.

Greater than comparison.

Greater than or equal comparison.

Less than comparison.

Less than or equal comparison

Check for equality and regard missing values as equal.

Check for equality.

Check for inequality.

Greater than comparison.

Greater than or equal comparison.

Less than comparison.

Less than or equal comparison

Check for equality and regard missing values as equal.

Check for equality.

Check for inequality.

Greater than comparison.

Greater than or equal comparison.

Less than comparison.

Less than or equal comparison

Check for equality and regard missing values as equal.

Check for equality.

Check for inequality.

Greater than comparison.

Greater than or equal comparison.

Less than comparison.

Less than or equal comparison

Get an array with the cumulative max computed at every element

Get an array with the cumulative min computed at every element

Get an array with the cumulative sum computed at every element

Get an array with the cumulative product computed at every element

Create a new ChunkedArray filled with values at that index.

Create a new ChunkedArray filled with values at that index.

Create a new ChunkedArray filled with values at that index.

Create a new ChunkedArray filled with values at that index.

Create a new ChunkedArray filled with values at that index.

Replace None values with one of the following strategies: Read more

Replace None values with one of the following strategies: Read more

Replace None values with one of the following strategies: Read more

Replace None values with one of the following strategies: Read more

Replace None values with one of the following strategies: Read more

Replace None values with a give value T.

Replace None values with a give value T.

Replace None values with a give value T.

Replace None values with a give value T.

Replace None values with a give value T.

Filter values in the ChunkedArray with a boolean mask. Read more

Filter values in the ChunkedArray with a boolean mask. Read more

Filter values in the ChunkedArray with a boolean mask. Read more

Filter values in the ChunkedArray with a boolean mask. Read more

Filter values in the ChunkedArray with a boolean mask. Read more

Create a ChunkedArray with a single value.

Create a ChunkedArray with a single value.

Create a ChunkedArray with a single value.

Create a ChunkedArray with a single value.

Create a ChunkedArray with a single value.

Get a boolean mask of the local maximum peaks.

Get a boolean mask of the local minimum peaks.

Returns the mean value in the array. Returns None if the array is empty or only contains null values. Read more

Aggregate a given quantile of the ChunkedArray. Returns None if the array is empty or only contains null values. Read more

Returns the mean value in the array. Returns None if the array is empty or only contains null values. Read more

Aggregate a given quantile of the ChunkedArray. Returns None if the array is empty or only contains null values. Read more

Returns the mean value in the array. Returns None if the array is empty or only contains null values. Read more

Aggregate a given quantile of the ChunkedArray. Returns None if the array is empty or only contains null values. Read more

Returns the mean value in the array. Returns None if the array is empty or only contains null values. Read more

Aggregate a given quantile of the ChunkedArray. Returns None if the array is empty or only contains null values. Read more

Aggregate a given quantile of the ChunkedArray. Returns None if the array is empty or only contains null values. Read more

Returns the mean value in the array. Returns None if the array is empty or only contains null values. Read more

Aggregate a given quantile of the ChunkedArray. Returns None if the array is empty or only contains null values. Read more

Returns the mean value in the array. Returns None if the array is empty or only contains null values. Read more

Aggregate a given quantile of the ChunkedArray. Returns None if the array is empty or only contains null values. Read more

Returns the mean value in the array. Returns None if the array is empty or only contains null values. Read more

Return a reversed version of this array.

Return a reversed version of this array.

Return a reversed version of this array.

Return a reversed version of this array.

Return a reversed version of this array.

Apply a rolling custom function. This is pretty slow because of dynamic dispatch.

Set the values at indexes idx to some optional value Option<T>. Read more

Set the values at indexes idx by applying a closure to these values. Read more

Set the values where the mask evaluates to true to some optional value Option<T>. Read more

Set the values at indexes idx to some optional value Option<T>. Read more

Set the values at indexes idx by applying a closure to these values. Read more

Set the values where the mask evaluates to true to some optional value Option<T>. Read more

Set the values at indexes idx to some optional value Option<T>. Read more

Set the values at indexes idx by applying a closure to these values. Read more

Set the values where the mask evaluates to true to some optional value Option<T>. Read more

Shift the values by a given period and fill the parts that will be empty due to this operation with fill_value. Read more

Shift the values by a given period and fill the parts that will be empty due to this operation with fill_value. Read more

Shift the values by a given period and fill the parts that will be empty due to this operation with fill_value. Read more

Shift the values by a given period and fill the parts that will be empty due to this operation with fill_value. Read more

Shift the values by a given period and fill the parts that will be empty due to this operation with fill_value. Read more

Returned a sorted ChunkedArray.

Retrieve the indexes needed to sort this array.

Retrieve the indexes need to sort this and the other arrays.


This function is very opinionated. We assume that all numeric Series are of the same type, if not it will panic

Returned a sorted ChunkedArray.

Retrieve the indexes needed to sort this array.


This function is very opinionated. We assume that all numeric Series are of the same type, if not it will panic

Returned a sorted ChunkedArray.

Retrieve the indexes needed to sort this array.


This function is very opinionated. We assume that all numeric Series are of the same type, if not it will panic

Returned a sorted ChunkedArray.

Retrieve the indexes needed to sort this array.


This function is very opinionated. On the implementation of ChunkedArray<T> for numeric types, we assume that all numeric Series are of the same type.

In this case we assume that all numeric Series are f64 types. The caller needs to uphold this contract. If not, it will panic.

Returned a sorted ChunkedArray.

Retrieve the indexes needed to sort this array.

Take values from ChunkedArray by index. Read more

Take values from ChunkedArray by index. Note that the iterator will be cloned, so prefer an iterator that takes the owned memory by reference. Read more

Take values from ChunkedArray by index. Read more

Take values from ChunkedArray by index. Note that the iterator will be cloned, so prefer an iterator that takes the owned memory by reference. Read more

Take values from ChunkedArray by index. Read more

Take values from ChunkedArray by index. Note that the iterator will be cloned, so prefer an iterator that takes the owned memory by reference. Read more

Take values from ChunkedArray by index. Read more

Take values from ChunkedArray by index. Note that the iterator will be cloned, so prefer an iterator that takes the owned memory by reference. Read more

Take values from ChunkedArray by index. Read more

Take values from ChunkedArray by index. Note that the iterator will be cloned, so prefer an iterator that takes the owned memory by reference. Read more

Traverse and collect every nth element in a new array.

Traverse and collect every nth element in a new array.

Traverse and collect every nth element in a new array.

Traverse and collect every nth element in a new array.

Traverse and collect every nth element in a new array.

Get unique values of a ChunkedArray

Get first index of the unique values in a ChunkedArray. This Vec is sorted. Read more

Get a mask of all the unique values.

Get a mask of all the duplicated values.

Number of unique values in the ChunkedArray

The most occurring value(s). Can return multiple Values

Get unique values of a ChunkedArray

Get first index of the unique values in a ChunkedArray. This Vec is sorted. Read more

Get a mask of all the unique values.

Get a mask of all the duplicated values.

Number of unique values in the ChunkedArray

The most occurring value(s). Can return multiple Values

Get unique values of a ChunkedArray

Get first index of the unique values in a ChunkedArray. This Vec is sorted. Read more

Get a mask of all the unique values.

Get a mask of all the duplicated values.

Number of unique values in the ChunkedArray

The most occurring value(s). Can return multiple Values

Get unique values of a ChunkedArray

Get first index of the unique values in a ChunkedArray. This Vec is sorted. Read more

Number of unique values in the ChunkedArray

Get a mask of all the unique values.

Get a mask of all the duplicated values.

The most occurring value(s). Can return multiple Values

Get unique values of a ChunkedArray

Get first index of the unique values in a ChunkedArray. This Vec is sorted. Read more

Get a mask of all the unique values.

Get a mask of all the duplicated values.

Number of unique values in the ChunkedArray

The most occurring value(s). Can return multiple Values

Get unique values of a ChunkedArray

Get first index of the unique values in a ChunkedArray. This Vec is sorted. Read more

Get a mask of all the unique values.

Get a mask of all the duplicated values.

Number of unique values in the ChunkedArray

The most occurring value(s). Can return multiple Values

Compute the variance of this ChunkedArray/Series.

Compute the standard deviation of this ChunkedArray/Series.

Compute the variance of this ChunkedArray/Series.

Compute the standard deviation of this ChunkedArray/Series.

Compute the variance of this ChunkedArray/Series.

Compute the standard deviation of this ChunkedArray/Series.

Compute the variance of this ChunkedArray/Series.

Compute the standard deviation of this ChunkedArray/Series.

Compute the variance of this ChunkedArray/Series.

Compute the standard deviation of this ChunkedArray/Series.

Compute the variance of this ChunkedArray/Series.

Compute the standard deviation of this ChunkedArray/Series.

Compute the variance of this ChunkedArray/Series.

Compute the standard deviation of this ChunkedArray/Series.

Create a new ChunkedArray with values from self where the mask evaluates true and values from other where the mask evaluates false Read more

Create a new ChunkedArray with values from self where the mask evaluates true and values from other where the mask evaluates false Read more

Create a new ChunkedArray with values from self where the mask evaluates true and values from other where the mask evaluates false Read more

Create a new ChunkedArray with values from self where the mask evaluates true and values from other where the mask evaluates false Read more

Create a new ChunkedArray with values from self where the mask evaluates true and values from other where the mask evaluates false Read more

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

Performs the / operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

Performs the / operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

Performs the / operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

Performs the / operation. Read more

Executes the destructor for this type. Read more

Converts to this type from the input type.

Converts to this type from the input type.

Conversion from UInt32Chunked to Unchecked TakeIdx

Converts to this type from the input type.

From trait

Converts to this type from the input type.

Converts to this type from the input type.

Converts to this type from the input type.

Converts to this type from the input type.

Converts to this type from the input type.

Converts to this type from the input type.

Converts to this type from the input type.

Converts to this type from the input type.

Converts to this type from the input type.

Converts to this type from the input type.

Converts to this type from the input type.

Converts to this type from the input type.

Creates a value from an iterator. Read more

FromIterator trait

Creates a value from an iterator. Read more

Creates a value from an iterator. Read more

Creates a value from an iterator. Read more

Creates a value from an iterator. Read more

Creates a value from an iterator. Read more

Creates a value from an iterator. Read more

Creates a value from an iterator. Read more

Creates a value from an iterator. Read more

Creates a value from an iterator. Read more

Creates an instance of the collection from the parallel iterator par_iter. Read more

Creates an instance of the collection from the parallel iterator par_iter. Read more

Creates an instance of the collection from the parallel iterator par_iter. Read more

Creates an instance of the collection from the parallel iterator par_iter. Read more

Creates an instance of the collection from the parallel iterator par_iter. Read more

Create the tuples need for a groupby operation. * The first value in the tuple is the first index of the group. * The second value in the tuple is are the indexes of the groups including the first value. Read more

Create the tuples need for a groupby operation. * The first value in the tuple is the first index of the group. * The second value in the tuple is are the indexes of the groups including the first value. Read more

Create the tuples need for a groupby operation. * The first value in the tuple is the first index of the group. * The second value in the tuple is are the indexes of the groups including the first value. Read more

Create the tuples need for a groupby operation. * The first value in the tuple is the first index of the group. * The second value in the tuple is are the indexes of the groups including the first value. Read more

Create the tuples need for a groupby operation. * The first value in the tuple is the first index of the group. * The second value in the tuple is are the indexes of the groups including the first value. Read more

The type of the elements being iterated over.

Which kind of iterator are we turning this into?

Creates an iterator from a value. Read more

The type of the elements being iterated over.

Which kind of iterator are we turning this into?

Creates an iterator from a value. Read more

The type of the elements being iterated over.

Which kind of iterator are we turning this into?

Creates an iterator from a value. Read more

The type of the elements being iterated over.

Which kind of iterator are we turning this into?

Creates an iterator from a value. Read more

The type of the elements being iterated over.

Which kind of iterator are we turning this into?

Creates an iterator from a value. Read more

Create a type that implements TakeRandom.

Create a type that implements TakeRandom.

Create a type that implements TakeRandom.

Create a type that implements TakeRandom.

Check if elements of this array are in the right Series, or List values of the right Series.

Check if elements of this array are in the right Series, or List values of the right Series.

Check if elements of this array are in the right Series, or List values of the right Series.

In case the inner dtype DataType::Utf8, the individual items will be joined into a single string separated by separator. Read more

Get the value by index in the sublists. So index 0 would return the first item of every sublist and index -1 would return the last item of every sublist if an index is out of bounds, it will return a None. Read more

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

Performs the * operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

Performs the * operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

Performs the * operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

Performs the * operation. Read more

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Initialize by name and values.

Create a new ChunkedArray from an iterator.

Create a new ChunkedArray from an iterator.

Create a new ChunkedArray from an iterator.

Create a new ChunkedArray from an iterator.

Create a new ChunkedArray from an iterator.

Create a new ChunkedArray from an iterator.

Create a new ChunkedArray from an iterator.

Create a new ChunkedArray from an iterator.

The resulting type after applying the ! operator.

Performs the unary ! operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the ! operator.

Performs the unary ! operation. Read more

Checked integer division. Computes self / rhs, returning None if rhs == 0 or the division results in overflow.

Checked integer division. Computes self / rhs, returning None if rhs == 0 or the division results in overflow.

Checked integer division. Computes self / rhs, returning None if rhs == 0 or the division results in overflow.

Get the quantile of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the median of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the quantile of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the median of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the quantile of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the median of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the quantile of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the median of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the quantile of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the median of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the quantile of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the median of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the quantile of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the median of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

The resulting type after applying the % operator.

Performs the % operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the % operator.

Performs the % operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the % operator.

Performs the % operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the % operator.

Performs the % operation. Read more

Repeat the values n times, where n is determined by the values in by.

Repeat the values n times, where n is determined by the values in by.

Repeat the values n times, where n is determined by the values in by.

Concat the values into a string array. Read more

Concat the values into a string array. Read more

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

Performs the - operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

Performs the - operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

Performs the - operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

Performs the - operation. Read more

Get a nullable value by index. Read more

Get a value by index and ignore the null bit. Read more

Get a nullable value by index. Read more

Get a value by index and ignore the null bit. Read more

Get a nullable value by index. Read more

Get a value by index and ignore the null bit. Read more

Get a nullable value by index. Read more

Get a value by index and ignore the null bit. Read more

Get a nullable value by index. Read more

Get a value by index and ignore the null bit. Read more

Get a nullable value by index. Read more

Get a value by index and ignore the null bit. Read more

Get a nullable value by index. Read more

Get a value by index and ignore the null bit. Read more

Parsing string values and return a TimeChunked

Parsing string values and return a DateChunked Different from as_date this function allows matches that not contain the whole string e.g. “foo-2021-01-01-bar” could match “2021-01-01”

Parsing string values and return a DatetimeChunked Different from as_datetime this function allows matches that not contain the whole string e.g. “foo-2021-01-01-bar” could match “2021-01-01”

Parsing string values and return a DateChunked

Parsing string values and return a DatetimeChunked

Get the length of the string values.

Check if strings contain a regex pattern; take literal fast-path if no special chars and strlen <= 96 chars (otherwise regex faster). Read more

Check if strings contain a given literal

Check if strings ends with a substring

Check if strings starts with a substring

Replace the leftmost regex-matched (sub)string with another string; take fast-path for small (<= 32 chars) strings (otherwise regex faster). Read more

Replace the leftmost literal (sub)string with another string

Replace all regex-matched (sub)strings with another string

Replace all matching literal (sub)strings with another string

Extract the nth capture group from pattern

Extract each successive non-overlapping regex match in an individual string as an array

Count all successive non-overlapping regex matches.

Modify the strings to their lowercase equivalent

Modify the strings to their uppercase equivalent

Concat with the values from a second Utf8Chunked

Slice the string values Determines a substring starting from start and with optional length length of each of the elements in array. start can be negative, in which case the start counts from the end of the string. Read more

Useful for a Utf8 or a List to get underlying value size. During a rechunk this is handy Read more

Useful for a Utf8 or a List to get underlying value size. During a rechunk this is handy Read more

Get the variance of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the standard deviation of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the variance of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the standard deviation of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the variance of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the standard deviation of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the variance of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the standard deviation of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the variance of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the standard deviation of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the variance of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the standard deviation of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the variance of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Get the standard deviation of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Compute the hash for all values in the array. Read more

Compute the hash for all values in the array. Read more

Compute the hash for all values in the array. Read more

Compute the hash for all values in the array. Read more

Compute the hash for all values in the array. Read more

Compute the hash for all values in the array. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Returns the argument unchanged.

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.

The alignment of pointer.

The type for initializers.

Initializes a with the given initializer. Read more

Dereferences the given pointer. Read more

Mutably dereferences the given pointer. Read more

Drops the object pointed to by the given pointer. Read more

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.