pub trait SeriesTrait: Send + Sync + PrivateSeries + PrivateSeriesNumeric {
Show 87 methods fn interpolate(&self) -> Series; fn rename(&mut self, name: &str); fn chunks(&self) -> &Vec<ArrayRef>Notable traits for Vec<u8, A>impl<A> Write for Vec<u8, A> where
    A: Allocator
; fn take_iter(&self, _iter: &mut dyn TakeIterator) -> Result<Series>; unsafe fn take_iter_unchecked(&self, _iter: &mut dyn TakeIterator) -> Series; unsafe fn take_unchecked(&self, _idx: &IdxCa) -> Result<Series>; unsafe fn take_opt_iter_unchecked(
        _iter: &mut dyn TakeIteratorNulls
    ) -> Series; fn take(&self, _indices: &IdxCa) -> Result<Series>; fn len(&self) -> usize; fn take_every(&self, n: usize) -> Series; fn has_validity(&self) -> bool; fn is_sorted(&self) -> IsSorted { ... } fn bitand(&self, _other: &Series) -> Result<Series> { ... } fn bitor(&self, _other: &Series) -> Result<Series> { ... } fn bitxor(&self, _other: &Series) -> Result<Series> { ... } fn chunk_lengths(&self) -> ChunkIdIter<'_> { ... } fn name(&self) -> &str { ... } fn field(&self) -> Cow<'_, Field> { ... } fn dtype(&self) -> &DataType { ... } fn n_chunks(&self) -> usize { ... } fn shrink_to_fit(&mut self) { ... } fn i8(&self) -> Result<&Int8Chunked> { ... } fn i16(&self) -> Result<&Int16Chunked> { ... } fn i32(&self) -> Result<&Int32Chunked> { ... } fn i64(&self) -> Result<&Int64Chunked> { ... } fn f32(&self) -> Result<&Float32Chunked> { ... } fn f64(&self) -> Result<&Float64Chunked> { ... } fn u8(&self) -> Result<&UInt8Chunked> { ... } fn u16(&self) -> Result<&UInt16Chunked> { ... } fn u32(&self) -> Result<&UInt32Chunked> { ... } fn u64(&self) -> Result<&UInt64Chunked> { ... } fn bool(&self) -> Result<&BooleanChunked> { ... } fn utf8(&self) -> Result<&Utf8Chunked> { ... } fn list(&self) -> Result<&ListChunked> { ... } fn categorical(&self) -> Result<&CategoricalChunked> { ... } fn append_array(&mut self, _other: ArrayRef) -> Result<()> { ... } fn limit(&self, num_elements: usize) -> Series { ... } fn slice(&self, _offset: i64, _length: usize) -> Series { ... } fn filter(&self, _filter: &BooleanChunked) -> Result<Series> { ... } fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { ... } fn rechunk(&self) -> Series { ... } fn drop_nulls(&self) -> Series { ... } fn mean(&self) -> Option<f64> { ... } fn median(&self) -> Option<f64> { ... } fn expand_at_index(&self, _index: usize, _length: usize) -> Series { ... } fn cast(&self, _data_type: &DataType) -> Result<Series> { ... } fn get(&self, _index: usize) -> AnyValue<'_> { ... } unsafe fn get_unchecked(&self, _index: usize) -> AnyValue<'_> { ... } fn sort_with(&self, _options: SortOptions) -> Series { ... } fn argsort(&self, options: SortOptions) -> IdxCa { ... } fn null_count(&self) -> usize { ... } fn unique(&self) -> Result<Series> { ... } fn n_unique(&self) -> Result<usize> { ... } fn arg_unique(&self) -> Result<IdxCa> { ... } fn arg_min(&self) -> Option<usize> { ... } fn arg_max(&self) -> Option<usize> { ... } fn arg_true(&self) -> Result<IdxCa> { ... } fn is_null(&self) -> BooleanChunked { ... } fn is_not_null(&self) -> BooleanChunked { ... } fn is_unique(&self) -> Result<BooleanChunked> { ... } fn is_duplicated(&self) -> Result<BooleanChunked> { ... } fn reverse(&self) -> Series { ... } fn as_single_ptr(&mut self) -> Result<usize> { ... } fn shift(&self, _periods: i64) -> Series { ... } fn fill_null(&self, _strategy: FillNullStrategy) -> Result<Series> { ... } fn _sum_as_series(&self) -> Series { ... } fn max_as_series(&self) -> Series { ... } fn min_as_series(&self) -> Series { ... } fn median_as_series(&self) -> Series { ... } fn var_as_series(&self) -> Series { ... } fn std_as_series(&self) -> Series { ... } fn quantile_as_series(
        _quantile: f64,
        _interpol: QuantileInterpolOptions
    ) -> Result<Series> { ... } fn fmt_list(&self) -> String { ... } fn clone_inner(&self) -> Arc<dyn SeriesTrait> { ... } fn get_object(&self, _index: usize) -> Option<&dyn PolarsObjectSafe> { ... } fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any { ... } fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Any { ... } fn pow(&self, _exponent: f64) -> Result<Series> { ... } fn peak_max(&self) -> BooleanChunked { ... } fn peak_min(&self) -> BooleanChunked { ... } fn is_in(&self, _other: &Series) -> Result<BooleanChunked> { ... } fn repeat_by(&self, _by: &IdxCa) -> ListChunked { ... } fn checked_div(&self, _rhs: &Series) -> Result<Series> { ... } fn is_first(&self) -> Result<BooleanChunked> { ... } fn mode(&self) -> Result<Series> { ... } fn rolling_apply(
        _f: &dyn Fn(&Series) -> Series,
        _options: RollingOptionsFixedWindow
    ) -> Result<Series> { ... } fn str_concat(&self, _delimiter: &str) -> Utf8Chunked { ... }

Required Methods

Available on crate feature interpolate only.

Rename the Series.

Underlying chunks.

Take by index from an iterator. This operation clones the data.

Take by index from an iterator. This operation clones the data.

  • This doesn’t check any bounds.
  • Iterator must be TrustedLen

Take by index if ChunkedArray contains a single chunk.


This doesn’t check any bounds.

Take by index from an iterator. This operation clones the data.

  • This doesn’t check any bounds.
  • Iterator must be TrustedLen

Take by index. This operation is clone.

Get length of series.

Take every nth value as a new Series

Return if any the chunks in this [ChunkedArray] have a validity bitmap. no bitmap means no null values.

Provided Methods

Check if Series is sorted.

Get the lengths of the underlying chunks

Name of series.

Get field (used in schema)

Get datatype of series.

Number of chunks in this Series

Shrink the capacity of this array to fit it’s length.

Unpack to ChunkedArray of dtype i8

Unpack to ChunkedArray i16

Unpack to ChunkedArray

let s: Series = [1, 2, 3].iter().collect();
let s_squared: Series = s.i32()
    .map(|opt_v| {
        match opt_v {
            Some(v) => Some(v * v),
            None => None, // null value

Unpack to ChunkedArray of dtype i64

Unpack to ChunkedArray of dtype f32

Unpack to ChunkedArray of dtype f64

Unpack to ChunkedArray of dtype u8

Unpack to ChunkedArray of dtype u16

Unpack to ChunkedArray of dtype u32

Unpack to ChunkedArray of dtype u64

Unpack to ChunkedArray of dtype bool

Unpack to ChunkedArray of dtype utf8

Unpack to ChunkedArray of dtype list

Unpack to ChunkedArray of dtype categorical

Append Arrow array of same dtype to this Series.

Take num_elements from the top as a zero copy view.

Get a zero copy view of the data.

When offset is negative the offset is counted from the end of the array

Filter by boolean mask. This operation clones data.

Check if Series is empty.

Aggregate all chunks to a contiguous array of memory.

Drop all null values and return a new Series.

Returns the mean value in the array Returns an option because the array is nullable.

Returns the median value in the array Returns an option because the array is nullable.

Create a new Series filled with values at that index.

use polars_core::prelude::*;
let s = Series::new("a", [0i32, 1, 8]);
let expanded = s.expand_at_index(2, 4);
assert_eq!(Vec::from(expanded.i32().unwrap()), &[Some(8), Some(8), Some(8), Some(8)])

Get a single value by index. Don’t use this operation for loops as a runtime cast is needed for every iteration.

Get a single value by index. Don’t use this operation for loops as a runtime cast is needed for every iteration.

This may refer to physical types


Does not do any bounds checking

Retrieve the indexes needed for a sort.

Count the null values.

Get unique values in the Series.

Get unique values in the Series.

Get first indexes of unique values.

Get min index

Get max index

Get indexes that evaluate true

Get a mask of the null values.

Get a mask of the non-null values.

Get a mask of all the unique values.

Get a mask of all the duplicated values.

return a Series in reversed order

Rechunk and return a pointer to the start of the Series. Only implemented for numeric types

Shift the values by a given period and fill the parts that will be empty due to this operation with Nones.

NOTE: If you want to fill the Nones with a value use the shift operation on ChunkedArray<T>.

fn example() -> Result<()> {
    let s = Series::new("series", &[1, 2, 3]);

    let shifted = s.shift(1);
    assert_eq!(Vec::from(shifted.i32()?), &[None, Some(1), Some(2)]);

    let shifted = s.shift(-1);
    assert_eq!(Vec::from(shifted.i32()?), &[Some(2), Some(3), None]);

    let shifted = s.shift(2);
    assert_eq!(Vec::from(shifted.i32()?), &[None, None, Some(1)]);


Replace None values with one of the following strategies:

  • Forward fill (replace None with the previous value)
  • Backward fill (replace None with the next value)
  • Mean fill (replace None with the mean of the whole array)
  • Min fill (replace None with the minimum of the whole array)
  • Max fill (replace None with the maximum of the whole array)

NOTE: If you want to fill the Nones with a value use the fill_null operation on ChunkedArray<T>.

fn example() -> Result<()> {
    let s = Series::new("some_missing", &[Some(1), None, Some(2)]);

    let filled = s.fill_null(FillNullStrategy::Forward(None))?;
    assert_eq!(Vec::from(filled.i32()?), &[Some(1), Some(1), Some(2)]);

    let filled = s.fill_null(FillNullStrategy::Backward(None))?;
    assert_eq!(Vec::from(filled.i32()?), &[Some(1), Some(2), Some(2)]);

    let filled = s.fill_null(FillNullStrategy::Min)?;
    assert_eq!(Vec::from(filled.i32()?), &[Some(1), Some(1), Some(2)]);

    let filled = s.fill_null(FillNullStrategy::Max)?;
    assert_eq!(Vec::from(filled.i32()?), &[Some(1), Some(2), Some(2)]);

    let filled = s.fill_null(FillNullStrategy::Mean)?;
    assert_eq!(Vec::from(filled.i32()?), &[Some(1), Some(1), Some(2)]);


Get the sum of the Series as a new Series of length 1.

If the DataType is one of {Int8, UInt8, Int16, UInt16} the Series is first cast to Int64 to prevent overflow issues.

Get the max of the Series as a new Series of length 1.

Get the min of the Series as a new Series of length 1.

Get the median of the Series as a new Series of length 1.

Get the variance of the Series as a new Series of length 1.

Get the standard deviation of the Series as a new Series of length 1.

Get the quantile of the ChunkedArray as a new Series of length 1.

Clone inner ChunkedArray and wrap in a new Arc

Available on crate feature object only.

Get the value at this index as a downcastable Any trait ref.

Get a hold to self as Any trait reference. Only implemented for ObjectType

Get a hold to self as Any trait reference. Only implemented for ObjectType

Raise a numeric series to the power of exponent.

Get a boolean mask of the local maximum peaks.

Get a boolean mask of the local minimum peaks.

Available on crate feature is_in only.

Check if elements of this Series are in the right Series, or List values of the right Series.

Available on crate feature repeat_by only.
Available on crate feature checked_arithmetic only.
Available on crate feature is_first only.

Get a mask of the first unique values.

Available on crate feature mode only.

Compute the most occurring element in the array.

Available on crate feature rolling_window only.

Apply a custom function over a rolling/ moving window of the array. This has quite some dynamic dispatch, so prefer rolling_min, max, mean, sum over this.

Available on crate feature concat_str only.

Concat the values into a string array.

  • delimiter - A string that will act as delimiter between values.


Trait Implementations

Converts this type into a mutable reference of the (usually inferred) input type.

Converts this type into a shared reference of the (usually inferred) input type.

Converts this type into a shared reference of the (usually inferred) input type.
