[][src]Crate pmd_farc

This library permit to have a read-only access to Farc and Pgdb file format used in the 3ds game of pokemon mystery dungeon.

The pmd_farc::Farc file format is a packed file format, like tar. It doesn't have a notion of subdirectory. There is two type of pmd_farc::Farc file:

  • A version with file index by their name.
  • A version with file index by the crc32 hash of their name. This library automatically identify the pmd_farc::Farc type. For type without full file name, you can test if a String correspond to a file name. There is some unfinished helper function you can use to lock for the name of the files by various way. As it is finished, it is not included in the library, but it can be found at pmd_farc/src/find_name.rs.

The pmd_farc::Pgdb contain some data about the file "pokemon_graphic.bin", including file names (usefull, as the file name in "pokemon_graphic.bin" are hashed)



A parser for a file in the farc format (see the crate root documentation for more information)


A parser for the Pgdb file format. See the crate root for more information



An error that Farc can return


Any error that can be retourned by Pgdb