Expand description

The module imports the most commonly used types and modules in Plotters


pub use crate::coord::ranged1d::Ranged;
pub use crate::drawing::*;
pub use crate::style::BLACK;
pub use crate::style::BLUE;
pub use crate::style::CYAN;
pub use crate::style::GREEN;
pub use crate::style::MAGENTA;
pub use crate::style::RED;
pub use crate::style::TRANSPARENT;
pub use crate::style::WHITE;
pub use crate::style::YELLOW;
pub use crate::style::full_palette;


An area series is similar to a line series but uses a filled polygon. It takes an iterator of data points in guest coordinate system and creates appropriate lines and points with the given style.

The backend that drawing a bitmap

The element that contains a bitmap on it

The boxplot element

The candlestick data point element

A 2D Cartesian coordinate system described by two 1D ranged coordinate specs.

The helper object to create a chart context, which is used for the high-level figure drawing.

The context of the chart. This is the core object of Plotters.

A circle element

A cross marker for visualizing data series.

Represents a cuboid, a six-faced solid.

The container for a dynamically dispatched element

An empty composable element. This is the starting point of a composed element.

An error bar, which visualizes the minimum, average, and maximum of a dataset.

Describes a font

Grouping the value in the coordinate specification.

The color described by HSL color space

Presents data in a histogram. Input data can be raw or aggregated.

The line series object, which takes an iterator of data points in guest coordinate system and creates appropriate lines and points with the given style.

The coordinate combinator that transform a continous coordinate to a discrete coordinate to a discrete coordinate by a giving step.

A log scaled coordinate axis


The logarithmic coodinate decorator. This decorator is used to make the axis rendered as logarithmically.

An multi-line text element. The Text element allows only single line text and the MultiLineText supports drawing multiple lines

A nested coordinate spec which is a discrete coordinate on the top level and for each value in discrete value, there is a secondary coordinate system. And the value is defined as a tuple of primary coordinate value and secondary coordinate value

The palette of 99% accessibility

The palette of 100% accessibility

The palette of 99.99% accessibility

A color in the given palette

An element of a series of connected lines

A Pie Graph

An element representing a single pixel.

The point plot object, which takes an iterator of points in guest coordinate system and create an element for each point

An element of a filled polygon

The quartiles

The RGBA representation of the color, Plotters use RGBA as the internal representation of color

The color described by its RGB value

The ranged coordinate for date

The ranged coordinate for the date and time

The coordinate that for duration of time

A rectangle element

The SVG image drawing backend

Style for any shape

Represents functions of two variables.

A single line text element. This can be owned or borrowed string, dependents on String or str moved into.

Style of a text

A triangle marker for visualizing data series.


Describes font family. This can be either a specific font family name, such as “arial”, or a general font family class, such as “serif” and “sans-serif”

Describes the font style. Such as Italic, Oblique, etc.

Specifying text transformations

Specifies one of the four label positions around the figure.

Describe a value for a nested coordinate

The value that used by the segmented coordinate.

Useful to specify the position of the series label.


Allows a value turns into a relative size

Bind an existing coordinate spec with a given key points algorithm. See WithKeyPointMethod for more details.

Bind a existing coordinate spec with a given key points vector. See WithKeyPoints for more details.

Used to build a nested coordinate system.

Any color representation

The trait that translates some customized object to the backend coordinate

The trait indicates the coordinate is discrete This means we can bidirectionally map the range value to 0 to N in which N is the number of distinct values of the range.

The drawing backend trait, which implements the low-level drawing APIs. This trait has a set of default implementation. And the minimal requirement of implementing a drawing backend is implementing the draw_pixel function.

The trait that makes the conversion from the statically dispatched element to the dynamically dispatched element

The trait that allows some type turns into a font description

Makes a linspace coordinate from the ranged coordinates.

Convert a range to a log scale coordinate spec

The trait that converts a normal date coord into a monthly one

The trait for the types that can be converted into a partial axis

The trait for types that can decorated by SegmentedCoord decorator.

Trait for values that can be converted into TextStyle values

The trait that converts a normal date coord into a yearly one

The trait for the type that is able to be presented in the log scale. This trait is primarily used by LogRangeExt.

Represents a color palette

The trait that provides method Self::group_by function which creates a GroupBy decorated ranged value.


Make a partial axis based on the percentage of visible portion. We can use into_partial_axis to create a partial axis range specification. But sometimes, we want to directly specify the percentage visible to the user.

Type Definitions

The type used to returns a drawing operation that can be failed


This is a deprecated type. Please use new name PathElement instead.