Struct pleco::board::Board [] [src]

pub struct Board { /* fields omitted */ }

Represents a Chessboard through a Board.

Board contains everything that needs to be known about the current state of the Game. It is used by both Engines and Players / Bots alike.

Ideally, the Engine contains the original Representation of a board (owns the board), and utilizes Board::shallow_clone() to share this representaion with Players.


use pleco::Board;

fn main() {
    let mut chessboard = Board::default();

    let moves = chessboard.generate_moves();

    let b2 = chessboard.shallow_clone(); // boards allow for easy cloning
    assert_eq!(chessboard.moves_played(), b2.moves_played());

BitBoard Representation

For the majority of the struct, the board utilizes [BitBoard]s, which is a u64 where each bit represents an occupied location, and each bit index represents a certain square (as in bit 0 is Square A1, bit 1 is B1, etc.). Indexes increase first horizontally by File, and then by Rank. See BitBoards article ChessWiki for more information.

The exact mapping from each square to bits is as follows:

8 | 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
7 | 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
6 | 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
5 | 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
4 | 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
3 | 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
2 | 8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15
1 | 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
     a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h


impl Board


Constructs a board from the starting position


use pleco::{Board,Player};

let chessboard = Board::default();


Constructs a shallow clone of the Board.

Contains only the information necessary to apply future moves, more specifically does not clone the moves list, and sets depth to zero. Intended for an Engine or main thread to share the board to users wanting to search.


After this method has called, [Board::undo_move()] cannot be called immediately after. Undoing moves can only be done once a move has been played, and cannot be called more times than moves have been played since calling [Board::shallow_clone()].


use pleco::Board;

let mut chessboard = Board::default();
let moves = chessboard.generate_moves(); // generate all possible legal moves
chessboard.apply_move(moves[0]); // apply first move

assert_eq!(chessboard.moves_played(), 1);

let board_clone = chessboard.shallow_clone();
assert_eq!(chessboard.moves_played(), board_clone.moves_played());

assert_ne!(chessboard.depth(),board_clone.depth()); // different depths


Constructs a parallel clone of the Board.

Similar to [Board::shallow_clone()], but keeps the current search depth the same. Should be used when implementing a searcher, and want to search a list of moves in parallel with different threads.


After this method has called, [Board::undo_move()] cannot be called immediately after. Undoing moves can only be done once a move has been played, and cannot be called more times than moves have been played since calling [Board::parallel_clone()].


use pleco::Board;

let mut chessboard = Board::default();
let moves = chessboard.generate_moves(); // generate all possible legal moves
assert_eq!(chessboard.moves_played(), 1);

let board_clone = chessboard.parallel_clone();
assert_eq!(chessboard.moves_played(), board_clone.moves_played());

assert_eq!(chessboard.depth(),board_clone.depth()); // different depths


Creates a RandBoard (Random Board Generator) for generation of Boards with random positions. See the RandBoard structure for more information.


Create one Board with at least 5 moves played that is created in a pseudo-random fashion.

use pleco::Board;
let rand_boards: Board = Board::random()

Create a Vec of 10 random Boards that are guaranteed to not be in check.

use pleco::board::{Board,RandBoard};

let rand_boards: Vec<Board> = Board::random()


Constructs a board from a FEN String.

FEN stands for Forsyth-Edwards Notation, and is a way of representing a board through a string of characters. More information can be found on the ChessWiki.


use pleco::Board;

let board = Board::new_from_fen("rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1").unwrap();


The FEN string must be valid, or else the method will panic.

There is a possibility of the FEN string representing an unvalid position, with no panics resulting. The Constructed Board may have some Undefined Behavior as a result. It is up to the user to give a valid FEN string.


Creates a FEN String of the Given Board.

FEN stands for Forsyth-Edwards Notation, and is a way of representing a board through a string of characters. More information can be found on the ChessWiki.


use pleco::Board;

let board = Board::default();
assert_eq!(board.get_fen(),"rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1");


Applies a move to the Board.


The passed in [BitMove] must be a legal move for the current position.


The supplied BitMove must be both a valid move for that position, as well as a valid [BitMove], Otherwise, a panic will occur. Valid BitMoves can be generated with [Board::generate_moves()], which guarantees that only Legal moves will be created.


Applies a move to the Board. This method is only useful if before a move is applied to a board, the ability of the move to give check is applied. If it is not needed to know if the move gives check or not, consider using Board::apply_move instead.


The passed in [BitMove] must be a legal move for the current position.


The supplied BitMove must be both a valid move for that position, as well as a valid [BitMove], Otherwise, a panic will occur. Valid BitMoves can be generated with [Board::generate_moves()], which guarantees that only Legal moves will be created.

The second parameter, gives_check, must be true if the move gives check, or false if the move doesn't give check. If an incorrect gives_check is supplied, undefined behavior will follow.


Applies a UCI move to the board. If the move is a valid string representing a UCI move, then true will be returned & the move will be applied. Otherwise, false is returned and the board isn't changed.


use pleco::Board;

let mut board = Board::default();
let success = board.apply_uci_move("e2e4");



Un-does the previously applied move, allowing the Board to return to it's most recently held state.


Cannot be done if after any Board::shallow_clone() has been applied, or if Board::parallel_clone() has been done and there is no previous move.


use pleco::Board;

let mut chessboard = Board::default();

let moves = chessboard.generate_moves();

let mut board_clone = chessboard.shallow_clone();

chessboard.undo_move(); // works, chessboard existed before the move was played
board_clone.undo_move(); // error: board_clone was created after the move was applied


Apply a "Null Move" to the board, essentially swapping the current turn of the board without moving any pieces.


This method should only be used for special evaluation purposes, as it does not give an accurate or legal state of the chess board.

Unsafe as it allows for Null Moves to be applied in states of check, which is never a valid state of a chess game.


Panics if the Board is currently in check.


use pleco::board::*;

let mut chessboard = Board::default();
let board_clone = chessboard.shallow_clone();

unsafe { chessboard.apply_null_move(); }

assert_ne!(chessboard.depth(), board_clone.depth());


Undo a "Null Move" to the Board, returning to the previous state.


This method should only be used if it can be guaranteed that the last played move from the current state is a Null-Move, eg Board::apply_null_move(). Otherwise, a panic will occur.


use pleco::board::*;

let mut chessboard = Board::default();
let board_clone = chessboard.shallow_clone();

unsafe { chessboard.apply_null_move(); }

assert_ne!(chessboard.ply(), board_clone.ply());

unsafe { chessboard.undo_null_move(); }

assert_eq!(chessboard.moves_played(), board_clone.moves_played());
assert_eq!(chessboard.get_fen(), board_clone.get_fen());


Get a List of legal BitMoves for the player whose turn it is to move.

This method already takes into account if the Board is currently in check, and will return legal moves only.


use pleco::Board;

let chessboard = Board::default();
let moves = chessboard.generate_moves();

println!("There are {} possible legal moves.", moves.len());


Get a List of all PseudoLegal BitMoves for the player whose turn it is to move. Works exactly the same as Board::generate_moves(), but doesn't guarantee that all the moves are legal for the current position. Moves need to be checked with a Board::legal_move(move) in order to be certain of a legal move.


Get a List of legal BitMoves for the player whose turn it is to move and of a certain type.

This method already takes into account if the Board is currently in check, and will return legal moves only. If a non-ALL GenTypes is supplied, only a subset of the total moves will be given.


Panics if given GenTypes::QuietChecks while the current board is in check


use pleco::board::*;
use pleco::core::GenTypes;

let chessboard = Board::default();
let capturing_moves = chessboard.generate_moves_of_type(GenTypes::Captures);

assert_eq!(capturing_moves.len(), 0); // no possible captures for the starting position


Get a List of all PseudoLegal BitMoves for the player whose turn it is to move. Works exactly the same as Board::generate_moves(), but doesn't guarantee that all the moves are legal for the current position. Moves need to be checked with a Board::legal_move(move) in order to be certain of a legal move.

This method already takes into account if the Board is currently in check. If a non-ALL GenType is supplied, only a subset of the total moves will be given.


Panics if given GenTypes::QuietChecks while the current board is in check

impl Board


Get the Player whose turn it is to move.


use pleco::{Board,Player};

let chessboard = Board::default();
assert_eq!(chessboard.turn(), Player::White);


Return the Zobrist Hash of the board.


Get the total number of moves played.


use pleco::Board;

let mut chessboard = Board::default();
assert_eq!(chessboard.moves_played(), 0);

let moves = chessboard.generate_moves();
assert_eq!(chessboard.moves_played(), 1);


Get the current depth (half moves from a [Board::shallow_clone()].


Get the number of half-moves since a Pawn Push, castle, or capture.


Return the Piece, if any, that was last captured.


Get a reference to the MagicHelper pre-computed BitBoards.


Get the current ply of the board.


Get the current square of en_passant.

If the current en-passant square is none, it should return 64.


Gets the BitBoard of all pieces.


use pleco::{Board,BitBoard};

let chessboard = Board::default();
assert_eq!(chessboard.get_occupied().0, 0xFFFF00000000FFFF);


Get the BitBoard of the squares occupied by the given player.


use pleco::{Board,Player,BitBoard};

let chessboard = Board::default();
assert_eq!(chessboard.get_occupied_player(Player::White).0, 0x000000000000FFFF);


Returns a Bitboard consisting of only the squares occupied by the White Player.


Returns a BitBoard consisting of only the squares occupied by the Black Player.


Returns BitBoard of a single player and that one type of piece.


use pleco::Board;
use pleco::{Player,Piece};

let chessboard = Board::default();
assert_eq!(chessboard.piece_bb(Player::White,Piece::P).0, 0x000000000000FF00);


Returns the BitBoard of the Queens and Rooks of a given player.


use pleco::{Board,Player,BitBoard};
use pleco::core::bit_twiddles::*;

let chessboard = Board::default();
assert_eq!(chessboard.sliding_piece_bb(Player::White).count_bits(), 3);


Returns the BitBoard of the Queens and Bishops of a given player.


use pleco::{Board,Player,BitBoard};
use pleco::core::bit_twiddles::*;

let chessboard = Board::default();
assert_eq!(chessboard.diagonal_piece_bb(Player::White).count_bits(), 3);


Returns the combined BitBoard of both players for a given piece.


use pleco::{Board,Piece};

let chessboard = Board::default();
assert_eq!(chessboard.piece_bb_both_players(Piece::P).0, 0x00FF00000000FF00);


Returns the combined BitBoard of both players for two pieces.


use pleco::{Board,Piece,BitBoard};
use pleco::core::bit_twiddles::*;

let chessboard = Board::default();
assert_eq!(chessboard.piece_two_bb_both_players(Piece::Q,Piece::K).count_bits(), 4);


Returns the BitBoard containing the locations of two given types of pieces for the given player.


Get the total number of pieces of the given piece and player.


use pleco::{Board,Player,Piece};

let chessboard = Board::default();
assert_eq!(chessboard.count_piece(Player::White, Piece::P), 8);


Get the total number of pieces a given player has.


use pleco::{Board,Player,Piece};
use pleco::core::bit_twiddles::*;

let chessboard = Board::default();
assert_eq!(chessboard.count_pieces_player(Player::White), 16);


Get the total number of pieces on the board.


use pleco::{Board,Player,Piece};
use pleco::core::bit_twiddles::*;

let chessboard = Board::default();
assert_eq!(chessboard.count_all_pieces(), 32);


Returns the Piece, if any, at the square.


Panics if the square is not a legal square.


Returns the Player, if any, occupying a square.


Panics if the square is not a legal square.


Returns the player, if any, at the square.


Returns the square of the King for a given player.


Returns the pinned pieces of the given player.

Pinned is defined as pinned to the same players king


Returns the pinned pieces for a given players king. Can contain piece of from both players, but all are guaranteed to be pinned to the given player's king.


Returns the pinning pieces of a given player. e.g, pieces that are pinning a piece to the opponent's king. This will return the pinned pieces of both players, pinned to the given player's king.


Return if a player has the possibility of castling for a given CastleType. This does not ensure a castling is possible for the player, just that the player has the castling-right available.


Check if the castle path is impeded for the current player. Does not assume that the current player has the ability to castle, whether by having the castling-rights to, or having the rook and king be in the correct square.


Square of the Rook that is involved with the current player's castle.


Return the last move played, if any.


Returns if the current player has castled ever.


Returns if the piece (if any) that was captured last move. This method does not distinguish between not having any last move played and not having a piece last captured.


Returns if current side to move is in check.


Return if the current side to move is in check mate.

This method can be computationally expensive, do not use outside of Engines.


Returns if the current side to move is in stalemate.

This method can be computationally expensive, do not use outside of Engines.


Return the BitBoard of all checks on the current player's king. If the current side to move is not in check, the BitBoard will be empty.


Returns the BitBoard of pieces the current side can move to discover check. Discovered check candidates are pieces for the current side to move, that are currently blocking a check from another piece of the same color.


Gets the Pinned pieces for the given player. A pinned piece is defined as a piece that if suddenly removed, the player would find itself in check.


Returns a BitBoard of possible attacks / defends to a square with a given occupancy. Includes pieces from both players.


Tests if a given move is a legal. This is mostly for checking the legality of moves that were generated in a pseudo-legal fashion. Generating moves like this is faster, but doesn't guarantee legality due to the possibility of a discovered check happening.


Assumes the move is legal for the current board.


Returns if a move gives check to the opposing player's King.


Assumes the move is legal for the current board.


Returns the piece that was moved from a given BitMove.


Assumes the move is legal for the current board.


Returns the piece that was captured, if any from a given BitMove.


Assumes the move is legal for the current board.


Returns a prettified String of the current Board, for easy command line displaying.

Capital Letters represent white pieces, while lower case represents black pieces.


Returns a clone of the current PieceLocations.


Get Debug Information.


Prints a prettified representation of the board.


Print the board alongside useful information.

Mostly for Debugging useage.

impl Board


Checks the basic status of the board, returning false if something is wrong.


Checks if the current state of the Board is okay.

Trait Implementations

impl Display for Board


Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Debug for Board


Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl PartialEq for Board


This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==. Read more


This method tests for !=.

impl Clone for Board


Returns a copy of the value. Read more


Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more