[][src]Crate piz

piz is a Zip archive reader designed to decompress any number of files concurrently using a simple API:

// For smaller files,
//     let bytes = fs::read("foo.zip")
//     let archive = ZipArchive::new(&bytes)?;
// works just fine. For larger ones, memory map!
let zip_file = File::open("foo.zip")?;
let mapping = unsafe { Mmap::map(&zip_file)? };
let archive = ZipArchive::new(&mapping)?;

// Look, ma, reading files in parallel! Using Rayon:
archive.entries().into_par_iter().try_for_each(|entry| {
    let mut reader = archive.read(entry)?;
    // reader implements Read, so read away!

// If you don't care about parallelism, a simple loop will do:
//     for entry in archive.entries() {
//         let mut reader = archive.read(entry)?;
//         // Read away!
//     }

Zip is an interesting archive format: unlike compressed tarballs often seen in Linux land (*.tar.gz, *.tar.zst, ...), each file in a Zip archive is compressed independently, with a central directory telling us where to find each file. This allows us to extract multiple files simultaneously so long as we can read from multiple places at once.

Users can either read the entire archive into memory, or, for larger archives, memory-map the file. (On 64-bit systems, this allows us to treat archives as a contiguous byte range even if the file is much larger than physical RAM. 32-bit systems are limited by address space to archives under 4 GB, but piz should be well-behaved if the archive is small enough.)


pub use read::CompressionMethod;
pub use read::ZipArchive;



Tools for reading a ZIP archive.


Error types and the related Result<T>