Trait pircolate::command::Command [] [src]

pub trait Command<'a> {
    fn name() -> &'static str;
    fn parse(arguments: ArgumentIter<'a>) -> Option<Self> where Self: Sized;

    fn try_match(command: &str, arguments: ArgumentIter<'a>) -> Option<Self> where Self: Sized { ... }

The Command trait is a trait that's implemented by types wishing to provide command parsing capability for usage with the Message::command method.

Required Methods

Provides the name of the command to be matched. Examples include PRIVMSG or PING.

This method takes in an iterator of arguments associated with a Message and attempts to parse the arguments into a matched Command. If no match is found, None is returned.

Provided Methods

A default implementation that takes in the given command name and arguments and attempts to match the command and parse the arguments into a strongly typed representation. If there is no match or the parse fails, it returns None.
