[][src]Crate pipe_trait

Add pipe method to every type.

Example: Same type

let inc = |x| x + 1;
let double = |x| x + x;
let square = |x| x * x;
let a = (123i32).pipe(inc).pipe(double).pipe(square);
let b = square(double(inc(123i32)));
assert_eq!(a, b);

Example: Type transformation

let x = 'x';
let a = x
    .pipe(|x| (x, x, x)) // (char, char, char)
    .pipe(|x| [x, x]) // [(char, char, char); 2]
    .pipe(|x| format!("{:?}", x)); // String
let b = "[('x', 'x', 'x'), ('x', 'x', 'x')]";
assert_eq!(a, b);



All sized types implement this trait.


Types with a constant size known at compile time.