Crate pink_extension

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pub use chain_extension::pink_extension_instance as ext;
pub use logger::ResultExt;


Logger for Pink contracts.


Same as log::debug!
Same as log::error!
Make a simple HTTP GET request
Make a simple HTTP POST request
Make a simple HTTP PUT request
Same as log::info!
Same as log::log!
Same as log::trace!
Same as log::warn!


A phala-mq message
A phala-mq message with optional encryption key


Pink defined environment. Used this environment to access the fat contract runtime features.
System Event used to communicate between the contract and the runtime.


Deploy a SideVM instance to a given contract. The caller must be the system contract.
Force stop the side VM instance if it is running
Push a raw message to a topic accepting only vanilla messages
Push a message to a topic accepting optional secret messages
Push a message to the associated sidevm instance.
Set the weight of contract used to schedule queries and sidevm vruntime
Turn on on_block_end feature and set it’s selector
Set the log handler contract of current cluster
Start a SideVM instance
Stop a SideVM instance running at given contract address. The caller must be the system contract.

Type Definitions

Attribute Macros

A drop-in replacement for ink_lang::contract with pink-specific feature extensions.