Crate photonio

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An efficient runtime for asynchronous applications.

There are two implementations of this runtime:

By default, this crate uses the photonio-uring implementation on Linux and the photonio-tokio implementation on other platforms. To use the photonio-tokio implementation on all platforms, enable the tokio feature.


use photonio::{
    io::{Write, WriteAt},

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    let mut file = File::create("hello.txt").await?;
    file.write_at(b"world", 5).await?;


  • Dropping an unfinished future for asynchronous filesystem or networking operations will result in a panic. However, this behavior might be change in the future.
  • The current multi-thread runtime uses a naive round-robin fashion to schedule tasks. A work-stealing scheduler will be added in the future.


Primitives for asynchronous filesystem operations.
Primitives for asynchronous I/O.
Primitives for asynchronous networking operations.
The PhotonIO runtime.
Primitives for asynchronous tasks.

Attribute Macros

Marks a function to be run on a runtime.
This is similar to main, but for tests.