pub extern "C" fn __wasm_bindgen_generated_filter(
    arg0: <PhotonImage as RefMutFromWasmAbi>::Abi,
    arg1: <str as RefFromWasmAbi>::Abi
) -> <() as ReturnWasmAbi>::Abi
Expand description

Apply a filter to an image. Over 20 filters are available. The filters are as follows:

  • oceanic: Add an aquamarine-tinted hue to an image.
  • islands: Aquamarine tint.
  • marine: Add a green/blue mixed hue to an image.
  • seagreen: Dark green hue, with tones of blue.
  • flagblue: Royal blue tint
  • liquid: Blue-inspired tint.
  • diamante: Custom filter with a blue/turquoise tint.
  • radio: Fallout-style radio effect.
  • twenties: Slight-blue tinted historical effect.
  • rosetint: Rose-tinted filter.
  • mauve: Purple-infused filter.
  • bluechrome: Blue monochrome effect.
  • vintage: Vintage filter with a red tint.
  • perfume: Increase the blue channel, with moderate increases in the Red and Green channels.
  • serenity: Custom filter with an increase in the Blue channel’s values.


  • img - A PhotonImage.
  • filter_name - The filter’s name. Choose from the selection above, eg: “oceanic”


// For example, to add a filter called "vintage" to an image:
use photon_rs::filters::filter;
use photon_rs::native::open_image;

let mut img = open_image("img.jpg").expect("File should open");
filter(&mut img, "vintage");