
pub use super::ExternArgs;


A parsed #[pg_extern] argument.

A parsed extension_sql!() item.

A parsed extension_sql_file!() item.

This struct is akin to syn::NameValueMeta, but allows for more than just syn::Lit as a value.

A parsed #[pg_aggregate] item.

A parsed #[pg_extern] item.

A parsed #[pg_operator] operator.

This struct is intented to represent the contents of the #[pgx] attribute when parsed.

A parsed #[derive(PostgresEnum)] item.

A parsed #[derive(PostgresHash)] item.

A parsed #[derive(PostgresOrd)] item.

A parsed #[derive(PostgresType)] item.

A parsed #[pg_schema] mod example {} item.


This is the type of a value that can be used in the value position of a name = value attribute argument.

This enum is akin to syn::Meta, but supports a custom NameValue variant which allows for bare paths in the value position.